Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Clthing Retil Mrket in Generl nd n In-Depth Review f NEXT Plc Free Essay Example, 4500 words
The SWÞT à °nà °lysis exà °mines the à ¾rgà °nisà °tià ¾n s externà °l envirà ¾nment à °nd à °lsà ¾ explà ¾res the internà °l envirà ¾nment (Lynch, R 1997). This requires listing à °nd à °nà °lysing the mà °in strengths à ¾f business, its weà °kness à °nd the likely threà °ts à °nd à ¾ppà ¾rtunities it will be fà °cing in the future (Dà ¾yle, P 1998). The strength à ¾f NEXT Plc is their à °dult fà °shià ¾n weà °r fà ¾r peà ¾ple between 20 tà ¾ 40 which à °re sà ¾ld under their à ¾wn là °bel. This is their mà °in tà °rget grà ¾up. While sà ¾me à ¾f its cà ¾mpetità ¾rs hà °ve prà ¾blems tà ¾ sà °tisfy this segment, NEXT mà °nà °ged it very well in the pà °st, selling their stylish prà ¾ducts à °t reà °sà ¾nà °ble prices. NEXT custà ¾mers à °ssà ¾cià °te with the NEXT là °bel - gà ¾Ã ¾d quà °lity à ¾f the clà ¾ths used à °nd gà ¾Ã ¾d wà ¾rkmà °nship. à s they à °re using their à ¾wn brà °nd they cà °n re à °ct à ¾n cà ¾nsumer wishes very quickly à °nd hà °ve tà ¾tà °l cà ¾ntrà ¾l à ¾ver the quà °lity mà °nà °gement. Further gà °ins cà °n be mà °de by the e-cà ¾mmerce divisià ¾n. NEXT, whà ¾ spent GBP 125,000 sees the internet à °s à °n extensià ¾n à ¾f the telephà ¾ne tà ¾ à ¾rder their prà ¾ducts à ¾nline. It is nà ¾thing mà ¾re thà °n à ° vehicle tà ¾ get the à ¾rders tà ¾ the retà °iler. We will write a custom essay sample on The Clthing Retil Mrket in Generl nd n In-Depth Review f NEXT Plc or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The And Social Anxiety Disorder - 1087 Words
Running head: DERMATILLOMANA AND SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORER 1 Dermatillomana and Social Anxiety disorder Brittany J Duncan Antelope Valley College Instructor Richard Manley Abnormal Psychology 234 DERMATILLOMANA AND SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORER 2 Impulsive control disorders consist of many different mental illnesses but one caught my attention which was skin picking also known as Dermatillomana. Dermatillomana is an impulsive disorder where one might find him or herself picking at his or her skin causing other complications. This mental disorder interests me because I have a cousin who I have noticed has been picking at her skin as well as having rash or scab like marks all over her body, unaware of why she†¦show more content†¦, 2009). A major reason for why people might experience social anxiety disorder is because they have the idea that they won’t be accepted by their peers. Social anxiety disorder can go unknown, some are unaware that they have this disorder, it is easy to perceive it as just being nervous in a crowd or being shy, but when you start to avoid social environments with family and peers that’s when it should be considered a problem. Also I feel that if one is always talking down on th emselves, such as saying â€Å"I won’t fit in†or â€Å"no one will accept me†then this individual should seek mental health help. Filho et al. DERMATILLOMANA AND SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORER 3 (2009) states â€Å"Although the condition is very common and causes a considerable amount of suffering, the vast majority of patients with SAD do not seek medical attention because they do not perceive their condition as a psychiatric or emotional disorder†. To the person with this disorder can perceive it just as a normal attitude that others are feeling and thinking the same way. This disorder is interesting and I would want to work with people who have social anxiety disorder so I could help them overcome it. Treatment for social anxiety disorder according to psychotherapy article treatment is as easy as to following a few steps â€Å"1). Derive an idiosyncratic version of the Clark and Wells model. 2). Manipulate
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Parties’ Policy Platforms Free Essays
With the voting date for the 2000 elections approaching, Americans are being bombarded with the policy platforms of the candidates. The two front runners and their lesser known rivals use every medium available to spread their ideas on major issues. It is because of their use of the media that voters are able to compare and contrast policy views of multiple parties. We will write a custom essay sample on Parties’ Policy Platforms or any similar topic only for you Order Now Using two important policy areas (for the purposes of this essay, we will continue to use public education and social security) we will discuss and analyze the views of the two major parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, and a Public education is a headlining topic during elections. The current public education system has allowed the United States to have one of the highest standards of living in the world, but could use some improving. The republicans believe that by providing public school students with private school vouchers, every child will have access to a high quality, indeed, a world-class education. (the Republican National The democrats believe that the republican idea of private school vouchers would offer too few dollars to too few children to escape their failing schools. The feel that vouchers would be pulling bucks out of the schools that need them most. Instead of vouchers, the democrats want to invest more in Americas crumbling schools, even if that means providing less tax cuts for American citizens. (the Democratic Committee The green party also is against vouchers, but believes in Equalize School Funding with Federal Revenue Sharing: Federal financing of all public education (instead of by regressive local property taxes) so that every school has the resources it needs to provide he highest quality education for every child. The Green Party website: Social Security is another publicized issue. While all 3 parties have expressed interest to save social security, the way they will go about doing it varies. The republican party platform says that they will continue to stop the annual raids on the Social Security trust funds by balancing the federal budget without that program†s surplus. (the Republican National Convention website: www. rnc. org) The democratic platform states that to build on the success of Social Security, Al Gore has proposed the creation of Retirement Savings Plus – voluntary, tax-free, personally-controlled, privately-managed savings accounts with a government match that would help couples build a nest egg of up to $400,000. Also, separate from Social Security, Retirement Savings Plus accounts would let Americans save and invest on top of the foundation of Social Security’s guaranteed benefit. Under this plan, the federal government would match individual contributions with tax credits, with the hardest-pressed working families getting the most assistance. (the Democratic Committee On the issue of Social security, the green party platform does not go into much detail stating: The actuarial protection of social security is essential to the well-being of our seniors, and the maintenance of the system†s integrity is an essential part of a healthy community. (the Green Party website: www. greenparty. org) While they do not offer their plan for improvement, it is clear that they do not plan on letting the program die out. While the basic, raw ideas of improving education and saving social security are shared by the 3 parties, their plan of execution varies. How to cite Parties’ Policy Platforms, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Equine Nutrition Essay Example For Students
Equine Nutrition Essay Equine Nutrition Essay The digestive system of the horse consists of a simple stomach, small intestines, cecum, large and small colons, rectum and anus. The horses stomach is comparatively small for its size. The stomach of an average horse has a holding capacity of about two gallons. This may be the reason horses eat small but frequent meals. From the stomach food moves to the small intestine, which is the main site of digestion. The small intestine empties into the cecum. The cecum; along with the large colon; make up the large intestine. Digestion in the large intestine occurs by action of bacteria and protozoa. ( ca) The energy content found in feeds and how it is measured in Kilocalories (kcal). ( which is also the measure used for calories in human consumption. Equine energy intake is measured in megacalories (Mcal) which are equal to 1000 calories. ( The total energy in feed is called gross energy. The amount of the feeds gross energy that is used by the horse is called Digestible Energy or DE. Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) is also a measure of feed content energy, it is reported in percentages and converts between calories and weight. ( Carbohydrates supply 80-90% of dietary energy. Sugars, starch, cellulose and related substances are carbohydrates. Starch is more easily digested than cellulose. Grains are easy to digest as they are 60-80% starch. ( A recent study conducted by Sharon R. Bullimore et. all. investigated the result of supplementing the diet of endurance horses with fructose rather than glucose. They conclude that fructose is well-absorbed by horses and rapidly converted to glucose. An assessment of adequate energy intake can be established by evaluating body condition. Deficient diets result in weight loss in the horse. Alternate causes of weight loss are internal parasites and disease. Excess energy intake wall cause obisity which stresses joints and reduces athletic ability. ( A horse in moderate physical condition is described as Back level. Ribs cannot be visually distinguished but can be easily felt. Fat around tailhead beginning to feel spongy. Withers appear rounded over spinous processes. Shoulders and neck blend smoothly into body. (Henneke et al., 1981) Protein is necessary in a horses diet as they can not produce the amino acid lysine and must be supply it in their feed. The horses protein requirements vary depending on age and function. Young horses needing more as they are still developing tissues made of protein. Mares in late pregnancy and those suckling a foal also need increased amount of protein. A horse given too much protein will break it down to glucose or fat. The health related results of too little protein are weight lose and young horses could have skeletal stunting. ( The energy of fats is 2.5 that of carbohydrates, the percentage of fat in a typical diet is 5%. Most diets provide enough fats, which contain fatty acids for healthy skin. ( Macro-minerals and micro-minerals (trace minerals), refers to the amount of mineral in the diet. Trace minerals are essential. At the start of this century, very little was known about the importance of even the macro-minerals; the role of trace elements had not been established and the work on vitamins was about to start. (Harris 1998) Needed macro-minerals are potassium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, calcium and phosphorus. Most forages contain enough potassium to meet a horses requirements. Magnesium requirements in horses are usually fulfilled by hays. Deficiency is not likely with typical diets but might occur on high grain diets or on early spring pastures. Magnesium deficiency causes staggering, nervousness, and convulsions. This is uncommon in horses. 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Calcium and Phosphorus are needed for bone development and as most of this development occurs within the first year young horses need higher amounts than adults. Adults need calcium and phosphorous to maintain cell function and bone mineral. ( Micro-minerals or trace-minerals required by horses include Iodine, Copper, Zinc, manganese and selenium. Horses use Iodine for fetal development and to regulate metabolism. inadequate iodine intake in pregnancy can cause serious fetal abnormalities. Foals may be born weak, may not suckle or stand. Thyroid glands can be enlarged (goiter) or .
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