Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Comparison Essay: Susan Glaspell’s “the Jury of Her Peersâ€Â
Susan Glaspell’s â€Å"The Jury of Her Peers†and Eudora Welty’s â€Å"A Worn Path†are incredible instances of the utilization of imagery in short story writing. â€Å"The Jury of Her Peers†recounts to the account of a homicide examination that happens in Dickson County in the 1910’s, in which Minnie Wright is the principle suspect. Welty’s piece, then again, is a portrayal of an old dark woman’s long excursion to get her wiped out grandson a Christmas present, a caring deed for Phoenix’s sake. In the two stories, the utilization of imagery is obviously recreated, along these lines, to build up the character and the situation.However, the profundity and the intricacy of those images, gives â€Å"A Worn Path†a vastly improved substance image relationship, which thus, works better for the plot of the story. A character’s character and principle characteristics are among the most significant components in an y artistic piece and the utilization of imagery is an amazing apparatus toward achieving roundness in a character. In â€Å"The Jury of Her Peers†, the fowl (a canary) is the image used to depict Minnie’s character as â€Å"Real sweet and pretty, however sort of tentative and †fluttery†(208).This image exemplifies Minnie before she got hitched and was removed by her better half to live in complete seclusion. Despite the fact that the image is first rate in the story, it is done as such in a strict manner, which detracts from the importance and translation to be given by the peruser. The female characters in the story make inference, in parts of their discourse, to this image. This can be seen when one of the characters (the sheriff’s spouse) says â€Å"She [Minnie] †then again, she was somewhat similar to a winged animal herself†(208), which covers in a couple of words, the importance of the flying creature symbol.In differentiate, in à ¢â‚¬Å"A Worn Path†, the significance of the image proposed to characterize the primary character, is suggested as opposed to artistically introduced. Phoenix, which is the protagonist’s name, is additionally a legendary flying creature that is described by its quality, long life and the capacity to ascend from its own remains after it kicks the bucket. This translation, or some other that can be attracted agreement to various folklores, isn't referenced in any capacity along the story. It is inferred and must be reasoned through the information on the protagonist’s assurance and drive.As she ventures â€Å"up through pines†(6) and â€Å"down through oaks†(6), this old woman never at any point considers surrendering and getting back with next to nothing. Essentially, the circumstance introduced in the two stories is likewise uncovered using imagery. In â€Å"The Jury of Her Peers†, this imagery is presented as a confine, which is home to Min nie’s canary be that as it may, simultaneously, speaks to her present circumstance. The image for this situation is utilized to show the disengagement and restriction in which Minnie is living â€Å"down in a hollow†¦ friendless place†(198). It is an all inclusive image and, all things considered, can be effectively deciphered. In any case, it's anything but a profound one; it is doesn't require a lot of exertion for a peruser to understand its significance. Conversely, â€Å"A Worn Path†utilizes an authorial image, which just applies to the setting of the story. This not the slightest bit implies a superior method of introducing the circumstance, yet the manner in which the image is placed in the story gives it a more profound significance. The paper windmill is, in this specific situation, set to speak to Phoenix’s situation.She is a â€Å"very old and small†(1) lady, delicate and poor, which is actually what the paper windmill is utilize d to represent, a delicate and modest article. This imagery can likewise be broke down from Phoenix’s grandson’s perspective, as to him, it would be an image of liberality and graciousness. Regardless of how poor they are, his grandma burned through cash and energy to amaze him. As old Phoenix told the medical attendant around, â€Å"He going to discover hard to accept there something like this in the world†, such is his view of his grandmother.As appeared previously, imagery is an extraordinary device that, when utilized appropriately, can furnish a short story with a great deal of importance and profundity. It is an astounding method to infer criticalness to a basic component in a story and to give a more profound feeling of the truth to the peruser. Welty’s piece, â€Å"A Worn Path†, accomplishes a more elevated level of undertone than Glaspell does in â€Å"The Jury of Her Peers†, where the significance of the components utilized as imag es are either clarified inside the piece, or too easy to even consider having a profound meaning.Also, the mix of widespread and authorial images furnishes â€Å"A Worn Path†with more thoughts and ends to be drawn from the images introduced. All in all, Welty utilizes imagery to achieve a progressively complete piece. â€Å"A Worn Path†is a great case of the best possible utilization of imagery to convey a story that is both profound and fascinating. It gives the peruser an eye catching plot just as, inferred thoughts that give the peruser a superior feeling of the criticalness of the images utilized without really clarifying them.WORK CITED Glaspell, Susan. â€Å"The Jury of Her Peers†. Writing: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Robert Zweig. fifth Compact ed. Toronto: Pearson Longman, 2012. 170. Print. Welty, Eudora. â€Å"A Worn Path†. Writing: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Robert Zwei g. fifth Compact ed. Toronto: Pearson Longman, 2012. 270. Print. Addendums OUTLINE I. Presentation: Thesis articulation the utilization of imagery is obviously recreated, along these lines, to build up the character and the situation.However, the profundity and the multifaceted nature of those images, gives â€Å"A Worn Path†a greatly improved substance image relationship, which thusly, works better for the plot of the story. II. Body: A. First passage * Key thought: utilization of imagery to characterize the hero. * â€Å"The Jury of Her Peers†* â€Å"A Worn Path†B. Second passage * Key thought: utilization of imagery to set the circumstance in the story. * â€Å"The Jury of Her Peers†* â€Å"A Worn Path†C. Third passage * Key thought: Personal sentiment on which story utilizes imagery best. III. End The article is summed up and an end is introduced from the focuses uncovered all through its substance.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Human Experience
The Human Experience is a contacting film. All through the film we experience a wide range of issues. There are numerous subjects of pardoning and mending in the film. This film isn't just brimming with feelings, however it additionally encourages you ponder your life, and the activities we make as a people. We discover absolution and recuperating in our life’s by reflecting in our moves, and by making a move and really attempting to be better people. In the film we see a wide range of individuals needing mending in their souls. The two most normal topics of mending we find in the film are enthusiastic and social healing.Jeffrey Azize needs both passionate and relationship recuperating. At the point when he was little his relationship with his dad was bad. Jeffrey father was a heavy drinker. Jeffrey saw his dad more impaired than calm. Jeffrey needs that adoration for his dad. Jeffrey needs to figure out how to excuse his dad so as to have a superior relationship with his dad. Toward the finish of the film, we hear Jeffrey saying â€Å"Have you at any point had a second where you feel like everything is perfect on the planet? Time stops, and the stars are in line.It was the first run through in quite a while I could feel harmony in my heart†. He felt settled subsequent to experiencing each one of those encounters. He saw a ton, which caused him to excuse his dad. He had the option to recuperate. The Human Experience caused me to understand that there are more concerning issues in our reality. It instructed me that I shouldn’t underestimate anything. Much the same as the destitute person said â€Å"One day you may have a home, however the following day you may be on the streets†. This caused me to consider my life, it caused me to understand that I’m likewise needing healing.It made me consider how dissatisfied I am and how I never state thank you for the littlest thing. This film instructed me that I could have any kind of eff ect, by accomplishing something little like giving my time or giving things I don’t need to the individuals who are out of luck. By and large this film was stunning. I could watch it a million times, and each time it would have the equivalent or greater effect in my life. In my life I for one need a great deal of recuperating. I’m needing both enthusiastic and connection recuperating. I’m one of those people, who don’t excuse others.If you hurt me somehow or another I may state I pardon you however toward the end I truly won’t. I likewise have a ton of trust issues. It’s difficult for me to confide in somebody, particularly if they’ve hurt me previously. For me trust resembles a paper, once it’s disintegrate it can’t be great. I realize that everything occurs for an explanation, yet in some cases I wish I comprehended what that reason was. I surmise that I have to figure out how to pardon others, and to confide in indivi duals. I have to open up additional. Generally speaking our general public needs a great deal of recuperating. Our general public is truly not acceptable.It makes me pitiful to see the manner in which society is organized. Our general public is genuinely terrible. The appalling truth about our general public is that nobody cares except if you’re beautiful or kicking the bucket. Consistently I ask myself what’s amiss with the world? We see that many individuals are casualties of our general public, yet we don’t effectively change. At regular intervals, somebody bites the dust from self destruction. Self destruction is for the most part observed among adolescents since they are being harassed for not looking or acting a specific way. Society no longer knows the importance of beauty.It’s difficult to experience childhood in our current reality where you never feel like you’re truly enough. In this general public you have to have planner apparel, you s hould be size 0, you have to have a spotless face, you have to wear cosmetics, you have to have impeccable eye vision and immaculate teeth; on the off chance that you don’t, at that point you’re consequently called appalling. We are the ones that are crushing our reality. We are the ones bringing such sin into this world. We as a whole need passionate recuperating. We are needing that adoration. Another sort of mending this general public needs is that they have to acknowledge the way they are.Everyone is one of a kind in this world. I see the world like a major food bowl; we are on the whole unique which makes things additionally fascinating. We should be content with the manner in which we look, and grasp it. Helping other people is the best blessing to enable you to recuperate. Helping other people causes you to understand that you ought to never underestimate things. By helping other people I understood that accomplishing something so basic like perusing a book wil l bring a ton of grins. In addition to the fact that you make somebody grin it causes you reflect in your life. I have adapted such huge numbers of things about me by aiding others.I found out about my confiding in issues by helping other people, and gradually I’m mending. Bit by bit I’m figuring out how to confide in individuals. It’s not a major change, however so as to transform you have to make little strides, and that’s precisely what I’m doing. My confidence with God was broken, yet by recuperating I’m assembling back the pieces. I’m figuring out how to confide in God, and leaving everything on his hands. I’m really mending. Over all everybody needs mending. It’s me, however a huge number of others that are needing healing.If you are not content with yourself, it’s clear you need a recuperating. On the off chance that you can’t acknowledge yourself, what makes you feel that you can acknowledge others? In the event that you reprimand yourself what makes you believe that you won’t censure others. With the goal for society to mend, we have to recuperate our spirit firsts. By helping other people, you understand your requirements, It’s every one of the a major circle. You have to help other people, one you help them you see where you need, a great many healings yourself you understand that society needs recuperating, when you mend yourself you’re ready to assist society with getting better.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
How the Quality Time Love Language Impacts Your Relationship
How the Quality Time Love Language Impacts Your Relationship Relationships Spouses & Partners Print How the Quality Time Love Language Impacts Your Relationship By Sherri Gordon facebook twitter Sherri Gordon is a published author and a bullying prevention expert. Learn about our editorial policy Sherri Gordon Updated on February 07, 2020 iStockphoto More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse Every couple needs quality time together in order for the relationship to grow and to develop. But, what happens when one partners love language is quality time? How does that desire for time spent together impact the relationship especially when hectic lives get in the way? Heres a closer look at how expressing the love language of quality time can not only improve your relationship, but also show your quality time partner that you are fluent in their love language. Everything You Need to Know About the Five Love Languages A Closer Look at the Quality Time Love Language When it comes to Gary Chapmans five love languages, quality time is the love language that centers around togetherness. It is all about expressing your love and affection with your undivided attention. When youre with your partner, you put down the cell phone, turn off the tablet, and focus on them. And, when you do that, it touches their heart in a way that really matters. They feel important, loved, and specialâ€"like you were intentional in setting aside time just for them. Unfortunately, thanks to technology, quality time with our partners is becoming more and more scarce. Even when we are together, we are someplace elseâ€"usually in cyberspace or deep in our own thoughts. But being in close proximity to one another while doing something else does not always constitute quality time, no matter how long you sit there. And for someone whose primary love language is quality time, this lack of connectedness can leave them feeling empty and alone. Tips on How to Speak This Love Language When it comes to speaking your partners love language, it is important that you do things that will make your partner feel loved and appreciated. This means if your partners primary love language is quality time, you need to not only set aside time for your partner, but also be intentional about how you are spending that time. And, if you dont share the same love language as your partner, dont be surprised if these efforts seem a little unnatural at first. With time and effort though, you will be doing these things for your partner without a second thought. Here is an overview of some of the ways you can show your quality time partner that you love them. Make Eye Contact When it comes to quality time, eye contact is the gateway to loving your quality time partner. In fact, maintaining eye contact tells your partner that they have your full attention, which will make them feel loved, important, and understood. It also communicates that you care about what they have to say. But, when you are distracted and scrolling through your phone while your partner talks about their day, they will feel like you just dont care about what they have to say and more importantly, that you just dont care about them. Use Active Listening Skills Active listening is one of the most loving things you can do for your partner, but for many people this does not come naturally, Instead, most people think about their own thoughts and opinions more than they think about their partners. When quality time people are talking, it helps to focus on what they are saying and to even lean in slightly. Its also important to affirm what they are saying and to ask thoughtful questions. Also, avoid trying to offer advice, unless they ask for it. Quality time partners are more interested in feeling understood. They are looking for empathy and compassion and do not want to have their situations fixed. Likewise, they do not want to be evaluated and instructed. Try putting yourself in their shoes and seeing how you might feel in the same situation. Put Away Technology Nothing hurts a quality time people more than to be sharing something they feel is really important, and then to look up and realize their partner is only half paying attention while trying to answer an e-mail from a co-worker. Make it a habit to put away your phone at dinner or during a coffee break and really focus on what your partner has to say. Even though you may not discuss anything earth-shattering, you are at least making an important and loving gesture by choosing your partner over technology. Focus on Quality When it comes to quality time, its not about the amount of time you spend together but instead the quality of your interactions that count. And with so much going on in your life, carving out a few minutes for a meaningful and uninterrupted conversation can be a wonderful way to show the person you love that you care. The key is that you take the time to enjoy one anothers company, even if it is just sitting on the couch enjoying a cup of coffee before work. Remember it is not about the quantity of time you spend together, but instead about the quality of time. Plan Something While it never hurts to be spontaneous, planning to do something together can be just as fun and exciting as a last-minute dinner or movie, especially for a quality time partner. Its often too easy for married or dating couples to get in a rut after they have been together a while. Instead of settling for the same old, same old try making plans to try the new restaurant in town, schedule a bike ride on a Saturday morning, or plan a leisurely walk along the riverbank after work. It doesnt matter what you do. Taking steps to initiate quality time will mean a lot to your partner. Plus, the anticipation of spending time together will really speak love to them. Remember, just because spending time together is expected when people have been together awhile doesnt mean you cannot also be intentional about how you spend that time. Develop a Routine Look for small ways to connect with your partner on a daily basis. For instance, you could pray or meditate together every morning or read the Sunday funnies together each week. Finding a small way to connect on a regular basis will help your quality time partner feel fulfilled and appreciated. Plus, its something you can both look forward to doing together. Be There When your partner is feeling insecure or going through a tough time at work, you can really show you care by simply being there and spending some quality time together. Even though you wont be able to take all the discomfort awayâ€"nor should you be expected toâ€"you will be able to demonstrate that you are present and available whenever they need you. Stay in the Moment For people whose primary love language is quality time, they never lose sight of the fact that time is limited and tomorrow is not promised. As a result, they view time together as a priceless gift that they want to give and receive in relationships. To them, life is about being in the moment more than it is about what you are doing. Its also about prioritizing the people you love over everything else. Invite Them Everyone has days when their to-do list is a mile long. Rather than run all your errands by yourself, invite your quality time partner to come along. Even though you are doing something mundane and boring, you can sneak in some quality time. For instance, turn off the radio and talk to one another. Ask how your partners life is going and what is stressing them out right now. You can turn just about any activity into a chance to sneak in some quality time if you are creative. What to Avoid If This Is Your Partners Love Language At times, it can be hard to communicate love to your partner through quality time, especially if this is not your primary love language. But you will eventually get the hang of it. The key is to avoid a few of these common mistakes. Dont complain about the time you spend togetherResist the urge to do something else while your partner is talkingDont view your quality time partner as needyKeep your technology stowed away when you have time planned togetherDont forget to ask what your partner needs in order to feel loved A Word From Verywell When it comes to quality time as a love language, most people assume it means spending a lot of time together or going out a lot. If that were the case, trying to show your partner you care through quality time could get exhaustingâ€"and expensive. But loving a quality time partner actually has very little to do with the amount of time you are together. Its also not based on activities. Quality time is all about how you spend the time that you have together. No matter what you are doing, if you are attentive and focused, your partner will feel loved. Are You In a Healthy Relationship?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Clthing Retil Mrket in Generl nd n In-Depth Review f NEXT Plc Free Essay Example, 4500 words
The SWÞT à °nà °lysis exà °mines the à ¾rgà °nisà °tià ¾n s externà °l envirà ¾nment à °nd à °lsà ¾ explà ¾res the internà °l envirà ¾nment (Lynch, R 1997). This requires listing à °nd à °nà °lysing the mà °in strengths à ¾f business, its weà °kness à °nd the likely threà °ts à °nd à ¾ppà ¾rtunities it will be fà °cing in the future (Dà ¾yle, P 1998). The strength à ¾f NEXT Plc is their à °dult fà °shià ¾n weà °r fà ¾r peà ¾ple between 20 tà ¾ 40 which à °re sà ¾ld under their à ¾wn là °bel. This is their mà °in tà °rget grà ¾up. While sà ¾me à ¾f its cà ¾mpetità ¾rs hà °ve prà ¾blems tà ¾ sà °tisfy this segment, NEXT mà °nà °ged it very well in the pà °st, selling their stylish prà ¾ducts à °t reà °sà ¾nà °ble prices. NEXT custà ¾mers à °ssà ¾cià °te with the NEXT là °bel - gà ¾Ã ¾d quà °lity à ¾f the clà ¾ths used à °nd gà ¾Ã ¾d wà ¾rkmà °nship. à s they à °re using their à ¾wn brà °nd they cà °n re à °ct à ¾n cà ¾nsumer wishes very quickly à °nd hà °ve tà ¾tà °l cà ¾ntrà ¾l à ¾ver the quà °lity mà °nà °gement. Further gà °ins cà °n be mà °de by the e-cà ¾mmerce divisià ¾n. NEXT, whà ¾ spent GBP 125,000 sees the internet à °s à °n extensià ¾n à ¾f the telephà ¾ne tà ¾ à ¾rder their prà ¾ducts à ¾nline. It is nà ¾thing mà ¾re thà °n à ° vehicle tà ¾ get the à ¾rders tà ¾ the retà °iler. We will write a custom essay sample on The Clthing Retil Mrket in Generl nd n In-Depth Review f NEXT Plc or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The And Social Anxiety Disorder - 1087 Words
Running head: DERMATILLOMANA AND SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORER 1 Dermatillomana and Social Anxiety disorder Brittany J Duncan Antelope Valley College Instructor Richard Manley Abnormal Psychology 234 DERMATILLOMANA AND SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORER 2 Impulsive control disorders consist of many different mental illnesses but one caught my attention which was skin picking also known as Dermatillomana. Dermatillomana is an impulsive disorder where one might find him or herself picking at his or her skin causing other complications. This mental disorder interests me because I have a cousin who I have noticed has been picking at her skin as well as having rash or scab like marks all over her body, unaware of why she†¦show more content†¦, 2009). A major reason for why people might experience social anxiety disorder is because they have the idea that they won’t be accepted by their peers. Social anxiety disorder can go unknown, some are unaware that they have this disorder, it is easy to perceive it as just being nervous in a crowd or being shy, but when you start to avoid social environments with family and peers that’s when it should be considered a problem. Also I feel that if one is always talking down on th emselves, such as saying â€Å"I won’t fit in†or â€Å"no one will accept me†then this individual should seek mental health help. Filho et al. DERMATILLOMANA AND SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORER 3 (2009) states â€Å"Although the condition is very common and causes a considerable amount of suffering, the vast majority of patients with SAD do not seek medical attention because they do not perceive their condition as a psychiatric or emotional disorder†. To the person with this disorder can perceive it just as a normal attitude that others are feeling and thinking the same way. This disorder is interesting and I would want to work with people who have social anxiety disorder so I could help them overcome it. Treatment for social anxiety disorder according to psychotherapy article treatment is as easy as to following a few steps â€Å"1). Derive an idiosyncratic version of the Clark and Wells model. 2). Manipulate
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Parties’ Policy Platforms Free Essays
With the voting date for the 2000 elections approaching, Americans are being bombarded with the policy platforms of the candidates. The two front runners and their lesser known rivals use every medium available to spread their ideas on major issues. It is because of their use of the media that voters are able to compare and contrast policy views of multiple parties. We will write a custom essay sample on Parties’ Policy Platforms or any similar topic only for you Order Now Using two important policy areas (for the purposes of this essay, we will continue to use public education and social security) we will discuss and analyze the views of the two major parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, and a Public education is a headlining topic during elections. The current public education system has allowed the United States to have one of the highest standards of living in the world, but could use some improving. The republicans believe that by providing public school students with private school vouchers, every child will have access to a high quality, indeed, a world-class education. (the Republican National The democrats believe that the republican idea of private school vouchers would offer too few dollars to too few children to escape their failing schools. The feel that vouchers would be pulling bucks out of the schools that need them most. Instead of vouchers, the democrats want to invest more in Americas crumbling schools, even if that means providing less tax cuts for American citizens. (the Democratic Committee The green party also is against vouchers, but believes in Equalize School Funding with Federal Revenue Sharing: Federal financing of all public education (instead of by regressive local property taxes) so that every school has the resources it needs to provide he highest quality education for every child. The Green Party website: Social Security is another publicized issue. While all 3 parties have expressed interest to save social security, the way they will go about doing it varies. The republican party platform says that they will continue to stop the annual raids on the Social Security trust funds by balancing the federal budget without that program†s surplus. (the Republican National Convention website: www. rnc. org) The democratic platform states that to build on the success of Social Security, Al Gore has proposed the creation of Retirement Savings Plus – voluntary, tax-free, personally-controlled, privately-managed savings accounts with a government match that would help couples build a nest egg of up to $400,000. Also, separate from Social Security, Retirement Savings Plus accounts would let Americans save and invest on top of the foundation of Social Security’s guaranteed benefit. Under this plan, the federal government would match individual contributions with tax credits, with the hardest-pressed working families getting the most assistance. (the Democratic Committee On the issue of Social security, the green party platform does not go into much detail stating: The actuarial protection of social security is essential to the well-being of our seniors, and the maintenance of the system†s integrity is an essential part of a healthy community. (the Green Party website: www. greenparty. org) While they do not offer their plan for improvement, it is clear that they do not plan on letting the program die out. While the basic, raw ideas of improving education and saving social security are shared by the 3 parties, their plan of execution varies. How to cite Parties’ Policy Platforms, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Equine Nutrition Essay Example For Students
Equine Nutrition Essay Equine Nutrition Essay The digestive system of the horse consists of a simple stomach, small intestines, cecum, large and small colons, rectum and anus. The horses stomach is comparatively small for its size. The stomach of an average horse has a holding capacity of about two gallons. This may be the reason horses eat small but frequent meals. From the stomach food moves to the small intestine, which is the main site of digestion. The small intestine empties into the cecum. The cecum; along with the large colon; make up the large intestine. Digestion in the large intestine occurs by action of bacteria and protozoa. ( ca) The energy content found in feeds and how it is measured in Kilocalories (kcal). ( which is also the measure used for calories in human consumption. Equine energy intake is measured in megacalories (Mcal) which are equal to 1000 calories. ( The total energy in feed is called gross energy. The amount of the feeds gross energy that is used by the horse is called Digestible Energy or DE. Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) is also a measure of feed content energy, it is reported in percentages and converts between calories and weight. ( Carbohydrates supply 80-90% of dietary energy. Sugars, starch, cellulose and related substances are carbohydrates. Starch is more easily digested than cellulose. Grains are easy to digest as they are 60-80% starch. ( A recent study conducted by Sharon R. Bullimore et. all. investigated the result of supplementing the diet of endurance horses with fructose rather than glucose. They conclude that fructose is well-absorbed by horses and rapidly converted to glucose. An assessment of adequate energy intake can be established by evaluating body condition. Deficient diets result in weight loss in the horse. Alternate causes of weight loss are internal parasites and disease. Excess energy intake wall cause obisity which stresses joints and reduces athletic ability. ( A horse in moderate physical condition is described as Back level. Ribs cannot be visually distinguished but can be easily felt. Fat around tailhead beginning to feel spongy. Withers appear rounded over spinous processes. Shoulders and neck blend smoothly into body. (Henneke et al., 1981) Protein is necessary in a horses diet as they can not produce the amino acid lysine and must be supply it in their feed. The horses protein requirements vary depending on age and function. Young horses needing more as they are still developing tissues made of protein. Mares in late pregnancy and those suckling a foal also need increased amount of protein. A horse given too much protein will break it down to glucose or fat. The health related results of too little protein are weight lose and young horses could have skeletal stunting. ( The energy of fats is 2.5 that of carbohydrates, the percentage of fat in a typical diet is 5%. Most diets provide enough fats, which contain fatty acids for healthy skin. ( Macro-minerals and micro-minerals (trace minerals), refers to the amount of mineral in the diet. Trace minerals are essential. At the start of this century, very little was known about the importance of even the macro-minerals; the role of trace elements had not been established and the work on vitamins was about to start. (Harris 1998) Needed macro-minerals are potassium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, calcium and phosphorus. Most forages contain enough potassium to meet a horses requirements. Magnesium requirements in horses are usually fulfilled by hays. Deficiency is not likely with typical diets but might occur on high grain diets or on early spring pastures. Magnesium deficiency causes staggering, nervousness, and convulsions. This is uncommon in horses. ( .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b , .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b .postImageUrl , .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b , .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b:hover , .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b:visited , .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b:active { border:0!important; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b:active , .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u022bc38815ea409eef0b5bcbbb1a9b4b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sugars Symphony Sodium and chloride were once viewed as unimporatant (Harris 1998) but are now seen as necessary for horses. Calcium and Phosphorus are needed for bone development and as most of this development occurs within the first year young horses need higher amounts than adults. Adults need calcium and phosphorous to maintain cell function and bone mineral. ( Micro-minerals or trace-minerals required by horses include Iodine, Copper, Zinc, manganese and selenium. Horses use Iodine for fetal development and to regulate metabolism. inadequate iodine intake in pregnancy can cause serious fetal abnormalities. Foals may be born weak, may not suckle or stand. Thyroid glands can be enlarged (goiter) or .
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Oscar Wilde Essays - Oscar Wilde, Jane Wilde, Oscar,
Oscar Wilde Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was born in Dublin Ireland on October 16, 1854. He is one of the most talented and most controversial writers of his time. He was well known for his wit, flamboyance, and creative genius and with his little dramatic training showing his natural talent for stage and theatre. He is termed a martyr by some and may be the first true self-publicist and was known for his style of dress and odd behavior. Wilde, 1882 His Father, William Wilde, was a highly accredited doctor and his mother, Jane Francesca Elgee, was a writer of revolutionary poems. Oscar had a brother William Charles Kingsbury along with his father's three illegitimate children, Henry, Emily, and Mary. His sister, Isola Emily Francesca died in 1867 at only ten years of age from a sudden fever, greatly affecting Oscar and his family. He kept a lock of her hair in an envelope and later wrote the poem ?Requiescat' in her memory. Oscar and his brother William both attended the Protora Royal School at Enniskillen. He had little in common with the other children. He disliked games and took more interest in flowers and sunsets. He was extremely passionate about anything that had to do with ancient Greece and with Classics. Wilde during school years In 1871, he was awarded a Royal School Scholarship to Trinity College in Dublin and received many awards and earned the highest honor the college offered to an undergraduate, the Foundation Scholarship. In 1874, he also won the College's Berkley Gold Medal for Greek and was awarded a Demyship to Magdalen College, Oxford. After graduating from Oxford, Oscar moved to London with his friend Frank Miles, a well-known portrait painter of the time. In 1878 his poem Ravenna was published, for which he won the Newdigate poetry prize. In 1881, he published his first collection of poetry ?Poems', which was well liked by critics. In late 1881, Oscar left to travel across the United States and deliver a series of lectures on ? the aesthetics?, the belief that to create a sense of beauty was more important than anything else. The trip was only planned to last four months but instead lasted nearly a year with Oscar giving nearly three times as many lectures as planned. He met Henry Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes and Walt Whitman, on which he made a good impression. During this time he arranged for his play Vera to be staged in New York. The play was cancelled during rehearsal due to it concerning Nihilism in Russia which was delicate subject matter at the time and in New York it closed after only a week. Oscar was married on May 29, 1884 to Constance Lloyd and they had two sons, Cyril and Vyvyan. He was extraordinarily fond of his children, although he did not spend much time with them Constance with son Cyril In 1887, Oscar accepted a position at a magazine called The Woman's World which he was to help revitalize, but quit in 1889. He wrote about the folklore and superstition of Ireland. He published the prose The Happy Prince and Other Tales in 1888, which he wrote for his sons. He wrote the essay The Decay of Lying in 1889. Oscar's first play Dorian Gray Opened in 1890 and was later expanded and published as a book The Picture of Dorian Gray in 1891. The story is about moral decadence and is distinguished for its brilliance. Dorian, a man of extraordinary beauty is painted by a friend and he wishes he remain as in the portrait and that it bear his sins. Dorian goes on to lead a wicked life and kills himself in the end. The process of corruption in the story is fully described and the shocking conclusion commits to a moral stand against self-debasement. Its subject of criminal deviance and lack of morality caused public outrage and the play made very little money. In 1891 two of his prose were published The House of Pomegranates, which he also wrote for his sons and Lard Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories. Over the next few years many of Oscar's plays were produced. Salome was a drama about obsessive passion written in
Friday, March 6, 2020
Latimer essays
Latimer essays On Sunday, October 24, 1993, Robert Latimer killed his daughter, Tracy Latimer. Robert Latimer placed Tracy in his truck and ran a hose from the exhaust pipe into the cab of the truck. Tracy was killed by carbon monoxide poisoning and Robert Latimer confessed to the murder. What makes this case so unique and debated is that Tracy Latimer had cerebral palsy. Robert Latimer has been in court several times and has only served minimal time in jail. On November 16, 1994, he was first convicted of second degree murder and sentenced to life in jail with no parole for ten years. This ruling was overturned due to a technicality in the case. The second conviction occurred on December 1, 1997. Rather than receiving the minimum sentence for second degree murder, Judge Noble made an unprecedented exemption from the second degree murder minimum sentence. He sentenced Robert Latimer to one year in a provincial jail and one year of house arrest on his farm in Wilkie, Saskatchewan. Both the crown and the defence appealed the conviction. The case is still in the courts. Our legal system is not yet equipped to deal with euthanasia cases. The law is very unclear about consequences for euthanasia. Robert Latimer deemed that Tracy was better off dead and that he killed her out of love, but who has the right to determine who should live and who should die? Society tends to define people by their ability to produce. Anyone who is unproductive is seen as being of little worth. According to a survey conducted by Angus Ried Group, 73% of Canadians believe Robert Latimer should receive a more lenient sentence and of that 73%, 41% said mercy killing should not be against the law. I believe society needs to re-evaluate its stand on this moral issue Robert Latimer killed Tracy because he said that he could no longer allow Tracy to endure all the pain she was experiencing. People call it mercy killing but I believe Tracy was murdered. In some people'...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Friendship in William Shakespeare's Timon of Athens Research Paper
Friendship in William Shakespeare's Timon of Athens - Research Paper Example The presentation of male friendship in the play has attained serious critical attention and the readers are able to recognize that Timon’s investment in his male friends and his loss of friends symbolized by his vanished gold are central to the ideas of friendship in the Renaissance. It is fundamental to maintain that gold in the play is the essential instrument of ‘friendship’ and it takes the place of the phallus, which is not only the phallus as absence, castration, or fear of feminine, and maternal power. As Karen Newman maintains, â€Å"Timon of Athens’s world of male/male love and passionate friendship speaks through Plutarch and the ‘wild’ figure of Alcibiages, whose relation with Timon and his phallic, golden gifts adumbrates another view of Jacobean gift giving.†(Newman, 387) This paper undertakes a reflective exploration of the conventions of friendship in William Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens in relation to the ideas o f friendship in the Renaissance in order to demonstrate how the conventions of friendship in the play are connected with Renaissance ideas of friendship.One of the major concerns of the studies in Renaissance literature has been to investigate the link between the conventions of friendship in the literary works and ideas of friendship in Renaissance. William Shakespeare is a dramatist who has dealt extensively with the conventions of friendship all through his literary career, by means of his sonnets, long poems, comedies, tragedies, romances, and histories. Significantly, the theme of friendship has been a central concern of the playwright and his famous works personify the theme of friendship through the friendship of Hamlet and Horatio in Hamlet, Rosalind and Celia in As You Like It, and Hal and Falstaff in the Henry IV plays. Therefore, it is an indisputable fact that Shakespeare’s plays deal with the theme of friendship and it is substantiated by his iconographic represe ntation of false friendship in his late tragedy The Life of Timon of Athens. One of the most essential aspects of the concept of friendship as presented in this play is that Shakespeare presents it in contrast to the existing ideas of friendship in the Renaissance. As Graham Hammill observes, â€Å"While humanist models of male friendship emphasize the equality of friendships and the permanence of the bonds between them, early modern English drama stages friendship as exactly the opposite.†(Hammill, 924) Therefore, it is fundamental to comprehend that Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens provides a contrasting idea of friendship to the prevalent conventions of friendship during the Renaissance. One of the distinguishing features of the representation of friendship in Shakespearean plays, especially Timon of Athens, is the fact that they reflect the general method in Renaissance literature to represent friendship (frequently between males) in opposition to love and heterosexu al union in marriage. Timon of Athens is a play which deals exclusively with the theme of
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Crafting and Executing Strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Crafting and Executing Strategy - Research Paper Example In other words, strategic planning is a tool that defines the routes that businesses will take in the effort to get from the current position to where owners want it to go. In fact, it is argued that strategic planning is a procedure that fulfils the mission and vision of a company (Andersen, 2004). In order to be effective, strategic plan considers the internal and external environment surrounding the business. In this regard, it is true to argue that as a company grows and intends to achieve its strategic goals, the need for strategic planning becomes greater (Goodstein, Nolan & Pfeiffer, 1993). However, strategic planning does not just become effective without considering some factors. It is necessary for all stakeholders in the organization to clearly understand the direction and mission of the organization. Nevertheless, the mission and direction of the business should go hand in hand with market changes, which call for a business to strategically prepare for different market se gments. In regard to Fed-EX Corp as a key player in the logistics industry, strategic planning would lead to more cost reduction as well as maintaining best prices (Long, 2004). It can also be argued that strategic planning in logistics business can act as a roadmap for economic and operational success. Additionally, strategic planning would act as a facilitator of efficient, flow of goods and information from company’s premise to consumption points (Moradi, 2012). This has an advantage of conforming to customers’ needs and satisfaction. Mission statement â€Å"Fed-EX Corp offers top quality logistic solutions to our customers based on expertise. Customers prefer our services based on quality and reliability†A company can not operate without a mission statement and expect to go far. A mission statement is vital in ensuring the success of a business. It not only set targets for businesses to attain its financial goals, but also enables businesses to build their corporate brand as they win the loyalty of customers through the provision of quality products and services (Goodstein, Nolan & Pfeiffer, 1993). For example, Fed-EX Corp mission statement would act as a corporate vision drive, motivate, unify and excite business into superior performance (Long, 2004). In order to offer top quality solutions to its customers, Fed-EX Corp would be motivated to work extra hard and work in unity in order to keep the fire burning. In fact, a mission statement provides a lighthouse that a company can look at whenever it looses track of itself. This is true because when a company looses sight, a mission statement can be referred to provide an insight of the company’s core competencies. In logistics business, Rushton, (2010) argued that a mission statement can facilitate greater returns on investment. Additionally, a measure of return on equity is argued to be more than double in companies that have written mission statement. Although it is hard to i ndicate the part of mission statement that brings success to a company, a combination of parts of a the mission statement can help a company prosper in different ways. For example, the statement should clearly establish the line of business the company is engaged in. This helps the company focus its efforts towards succeeding in that line of business. Vision statement â€Å"To build greater global logistic solutions through quality, integrity and profitabilityâ€
Monday, January 27, 2020
Korean Wave In Vietnam History Essay
Korean Wave In Vietnam History Essay In a lot of researches, writers in Korea state that Korean culture has entered many countries in the world, beginning in China, then it moved forward to Southeast and Central Asia. From the year 2000 to 2002, the number of films and music album bought by neighborhood countries of Korea increased dramatically ( Hyejung, cited in Lee 2007). According to Kim (cited in Lee 2007), the connection between Korean culture and other cultures are Korean films. Vietnam is not an exception. Korean dramas focus on sexual love, the promoted luxury and hedonistic lifestyles which attracted many young Vietnamese (Kang, cited in Cho 2005). According to Nguyen (Xuan 2012b), with dramas whose content was gentle, philosophical and deeply humane, Korean wave entered Vietnam 10 years ago. She adds that in the middle of the year 2005, the amount of hours projecting Korean films reduced from nearly 20% to 8.4%. However, up to now, Korean dramas have been accepted by a lot of Vietnamese because of their varied themes and indeed meanings. Dang (2009) agrees that around the year 2000s, Korean wave developed strongly in Vietnam. During 2000s, in Vietnam, from the North to the South, Korean dramas occupied much of time on television channels with four or five dramas which were projected every night (Dang 2009). At that time, Korean dramas were so popular that whenever mentioning it, everyone thinks to cancer, accidents and amnesia (Xuan 2012a). The reason for that success is their close ideology to Vietnamese culture. Different from American series films, Korean ones are filled with traditional values and technical sophistication. While Hollywood or Bollywood focused on action scenes, sexy actors and actresses, Korean movies conquered Vietnamese by nice storylines, good production values, beautiful locations, excellent and gorgeous actors and actresses (Dang, 2009). Agreeing with two above opinions, however, Nguyen (2012) suggests that an important factors helping Korean wave enter Vietnam was their cheap price. Compared to the price of films of other countries, the average price of Korean dramas was about only a quarter or even a tenth of them. Therefore, a lot of Korean films were bought and they have been popular around the ASEAN, Eastern and other parts of the world (Nguyen 2012). Besides, another feature of Korean culture is Korean music, or K-pop. Dramas are in narrow areas, meanwhile, Korean music has developed dramatically thanks to beautiful dance and music videos meticulously invested (Xuan 2012b). A lot of famous Korean bands organized their concerts and they have sold millions of tickets each concert. Im (cited in Cho 2005) indicated that during H.O.T concert in February 2005, more than 100,000 copies of their records sold and many T-shirt with pictures of H.O.T bought by young people. What are the impacts of Korean wave on Vietnamese? It can be clarified that Korean wave influences Vietnamese, especially Vietnamese youth, with both good and bad effect. Primarily, Korean wave has changed Vietnamese lifestyle positively. Contrary to people who admired Korean idols in China or Japan, Vietnamese ones consumed enthusiastically all of idols pictures and messages (Cho 2005). Luong (cited in Xuan 2012a) suggests that Korean dramas can help young people learn the way to overcome their trouble, the way to work in a community and become more independent. In make-up area, a research shows many girls and women in Vietnam have changed their make-up way since Korean dramas and music entered Vietnam. They have used darker eyes color, thinly shaved eyebrows, body-hugging clothes, and square-toed shoes like Korean characters and singers they admired and crazed (Jim Seo, 2004). They also added that the Vietnamese president, Tran Duc Luong, has had his dinner with two famous actors and actress of Korean that time. This action expres sed Vietnameses interest to Korean culture (Jim Seo, 2005). During the last 10 years, Korean dramas have gradually replaced Chinese ones in Vietnam. Especially, for young people in Vietnam, modern lives, beautiful houses and items in Korean dramas have led them to think more about better lives in Korea and they admired those so much. They considered Korea as a developed country after seeing modern sceneries in Korean dramas. Therefore, they have tried to borrow and adopt those modern things into their lives (Dang 2009). Furthermore, she demonstrates that by Korean wave, a lot of young people considered Korea as the destination for their later lives. For example, Nguyen (cited in Xuan 2012b) states that in 1994, the number of student registering for school was only 30 students but that number increased to 120 students each year. And the reason they give is because they enjoy Korean dramas and music so much. Its a piece of love young people giving to Korean culture (Nguyen, cited in Xuan 2012b). Besides, the penetration of Korean wave in Vietnam brings along some bad impact for people, especially on young Vietnamese. Korean movies use fictional material, so they can make young people illustrate about Korea and Korean dream(Thanh 2012). Luong (cited in Xuan 2012a) assumes Korean wave has attacked young people strongly and a lot of young Vietnamese has become crazy fan of Korean singers, actors, actresses. A part of the youth has wrong thought about the Korean culture, which causes some bad actions. He takes his daughter as an example. She always ask him to buy many pictures, items relating to her idols. She even can wait many hours to meet her idols in the airport and unhappily comes back without seeing them. His daughter is only one of thousands of young people who are crazy because of Korean idols. The fashion trend of young Vietnamese is also influenced much by Korean wave. It would be good if young people didnt abuse that trend. So many young people have copied the style of Korean stars and they have spent so much money on buying the same clothes to their idols ones (Nguyen, cited in Xuan 2012b). However, according to Kim (cited in Thanh 2012), another bad impact of Korean wave on young Vietnamese is that it usually causes traffic jam in big cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city because all of crazy fans want to see their idols in real (Nguyen 2012). As a recent study, estimate that about 500,000 viewers coming to each of big Korean concert in Vietnam. So, it is easy to make congestion. Even some crazy fans dare to suicide if their parents dont allow them to go to see their oppa (Thanh 2012). How to deal with Korean waves effects in Vietnam? Korean wave is popular in many countries around the world, including Vietnam. So, people and government should take some actions to deal with it properly. Thanh (2012) recommends that Vietnam medium should change the way advertising Korean culture now. Developing Vietnamese culture appropriately should be done too. Furthermore, other countries should cooperate to produce cultural products bringing different cultures (Dang 2009). Luong (cited in Xuan 2012a) adds that Vietnamese government had better invest to creative science after learning precious experience from Korea. In fact, Vietnam government has applied a lot of documents to local Television stations asking to reduce the number of foreign dramas, especially Korean dramas and increase the Vietnamese ones (Dang 2009). These actions will make equal between two culture and make the young enjoy them right. Moreover, family and school play an important part in dealing with their childrens craze for their idols. Parents and teachers had better unite together to educate and guide their children the best way to admire their idols and take their love to idols into the inspiration. With the right education and direction, the young definitely know the best way to behave with their love to their idols. Finally, the most important solution belongs to attitude of young people to Korean wave. Teenagers in Vietnamese should behave right to effects and drawbacks of Korean wave. People should make use of without destroying it. (Nguyen, cited in Xuan 2012a).
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Biology Mitosis Lab
Mitosis and Meiosis Cell Division Lab Part 1-MITOSIS summary: In this experiment first the stages of an onion cell undergoing mitosis are going to be observed and every stage is going to be detected and drawn on paper. A brief description to what is going on should be attached to the pictures. This is important to understand the basics of cell division which is necessary growth,repair and asexual reproduction. Second the number of cells undergoing each phase is going to be counted to figure out in which phase the cell remains the most.If interphase is the stage in which the cell grows and prepares for cell division then the number of cells undergoing interphase will be the most. After cells were counted it came out that indeed the number of cells in interphase is the most followed by prophase, metaphase=anaphase and telophase. This makes us come to the conclusion that the longest phase for a cell is interphase in which the cell grows and gets ready to divide. The second longest in pr ophase in which the chromatin fibers start to form chromosomes. The other phases which follow are very short and quick. Introduction:Mitosis is the division of the nucleus,providing equal amounts of nuclear material to the daughter cells,in eukaryotes. Equal amounts of chromosomes are provided for the forming daughter cells by replicating the DNA and chromosomes before the division. Mitosis occurs in somatic cells and produces 2 daughter cells. The whole process of mitosis consists of 5 stages. 1-Interphase:is the stage in which the cell rests and gets ready for division. Consists of 3 parts. -G1:number of organelles double,size increases. At the end of this phase is a G1 checkpoint which controls is the cell is ready for division or not. S:chromosomes are duplicated. -G2:special proteins and enzymes for cell division are synthesized. 2-Prophase:Centrioles move to opposite poles of the cell. Form spindle fibers which’ll become the microtubules holding the centromere. Chromoso mes become visible as long threads and become shorter and thicker. Each chromosome joins another one forming sister chromatids attached in the middle by a centromere. Nuclear membrane dissolves. 3-Metaphase:spindle fibers from the centrioles attach to the chromosomes at the kinetochore lining the chromosomes in the center of the cell. -Anaphase: The centromeres divide and the sister chromatids separate.The spindle fibers full the chromosomes to different poles of the cell. 5-Telophase: When chromosomes have reached opposite poles a nuclear membrane forms around them. Chromosomes then untwist and stretch becoming invisible again. Spindle fibers break down. At the end of mitosis cytokinesis takes place which is the formation of a cleaved membrane between the two new formed cells to separate them. Materials: -onion root tip cells -microscope Procedure: 1-Observe the onion root tips under the microscope first at 100X and then at 400X. 2-Draw each phase of mitosis you see. -Write a brief description of what you observe in each phase under the picture. 4-Under 400X count the number of cells undergoing different phases. Record data. 5-Calculate the total number of cells. 6-Calculate the percent amount of time the cells spend in each phase. Analysis: The data we collected shows that 52% of the cells were in stage interphase. This indicates that more than the half of the cells are recovering from their previous division and preparing to divide again. 40% of the cells were in the second phase prophase while the other phases had a cell percentage number of ~2%. This denotes that prophase is the second longest phase.This can be because it takes a longer time to duplicate the chromosomes than simply lining them up and pulling them apart. Conclusion: Our hypothesis that if interphase is the resting phase then it’ll be the longest was proven true by the data we got from the onion root tips. The number of cells undergoing interphase had the highest number supporting ou r hypothesis. The complement of interphase is very important for organisms. If interphase isn’t completed before division or if something goes wrong during it many problems could occur like mutations or other things which would affect the proper functioning of the organism.The possibility of errors emerging in this experiment is very low. The only errors could be caused if something was wrong with the microscopes lens or objective. Another thing to be researched could be what factors effect mitosis and if the same process would still occur in a different environment. Part 2-MEIOSIS In this part the concept of meiosis which is the essential of sexual reproduction is going to be observed by using Sondaria fimicola a certain type of mushroom. The colors of the ascospores before and after meiosis are going to be observed to see whether there is crossing over or not.If meiosis is occurring then the newly formed sequences will look different then the ones to begin with. Observe the S. fimicola undergoing meiosis. Look at the ascospores after meiosis and notice the pattern. If the changes are in a 4:4 manner there is no crossing over. If any series of 2 like 2:4:2 or 2:2:2:2 occur it means that crossing over took place. The results we got were composed of different sequences including both patterns with 4’s and 2’s which means that crossing over took place. *Because S. fimicola was not available for the lab,cards with pictures of it undergoing meiosis were used. Introduction:Meiosis is a type of cell division which provides genetic variation by reducing the chromosome number to half and creating haploid cells. Later on a male and female haploid cell will join to form a diploid cell with the right number of chromosomes. Meiosis consists of one DNA replication and two nuclear divisions resulting in 4 daughter cells. The process which provides for genetic variation is crossing over. Crossing over occurs in the early stages when homologous chromosome s move together so that their chromatids form a tetrad. This is called synapsis and allows for the exchange of chromosome sections.In our case the crossing overs will result in different colorings of the ascospores of the S. fimicoli. Materials: -Microscope -S. fimicola meiosis cards Procedure: 1-Study the different phases of meiosis on the cards. 2-Notice the difference between ascospores with sequences of 4’s and 2’s. 3-Count the amount of different sequences present. 4-From the data you gathered calculate the percentage of asci showing crossover. Analysis: Out of a total from 26 sequences only 6 were made up of 4‘s while 20 were composed of different structures of 2‘s. This tells us that 77% of the asci showed crossing over while 23% did not.Conclusion: Our hypothesis that if meiosis is present the new formed asci will have different colors was supported by the outcome of our observations. The fact that different sequences of 2’s emerged from the first pattern of 4’s is prove that crossing over took place. Genetic variation is very important because it is a way of natural selection. Beneficial and strong genes are selected while the others are eliminated. (Survival of the fittest) For future research it could be researched if the crossing over happens randomly or whether there is some order to it and if could be controlled to get a 100% functioning ,ideal organism.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Acts of Kindness. Paper
Someone dragged a coin along the bonnet of a car belonging to a friend of mine. He took it to a smash repair company near his work for the scratch to be touched up. When he went to pick up the car, he was surprised to be told that there was no charge. A little overwhelmed by it all, my friend mentioned that if he ever had an accident, he would bring his car to that establishment for repair. The owner replied, â€Å"Sir, I hope you never have an accident. †I have made it my goal to do something nice for somebody every day that I live.I find myself waking up each morning with new and exciting ideas of things to do for others, and the rewards have been wonderful. The afternoon was cold and windy as I walked through the shopping centre of my little suburb. A busker, perhaps in his late fifties, wearing clothes that had gone well beyond their ‘use by' date, played his guitar rather badly. â€Å"Don't encourage him! †called a passer by as I dropped a coin into the box . I crossed the road and entered a shop where I made regular purchases. I noticed the assistant would occasionally look out of the window at the busker.She turned to me and asked, â€Å"Would you mind the shop for a minute? †Surprised, I agreed, whereupon she took a pie from the warmer, ran across the road, and gave it to the busker. I have since learned that this was not an isolated example of her generosity. Recently my son, who is a regular user of public transport, caught the bus home from school. Unfortunately he got on the wrong bus, but instead of just being told to get off and wait for another bus to take him home, the driver phoned me and said he would look after my son until he could be placed on the next bus home.I received a call from the second driver, confirming my son had been transferred to his bus. He also told me the time my son would arrive home. Thank you to both of these men who took the extra effort to ensure the safe arrival of my son. The other day I fell on my way back from shopping. Fortunately all that was injured was my dignity, but I was touched by the actions of a passing motorist. When she saw me fall she stopped her car and waited until I had stood up again. Seeing I was OK, she drove off.Once when working at the Department of Social Security, I was talking to a coughing client on the phone, so when I sent her the requested claim form, I enclosed a couple of Allen's Butter Menthols in the envelope. She rang to thank me the following day, and said that my act had made her feel better than the cough lollies had! It made me feel pretty good, too. I have become involved in helping to run a small shop at a local aged people's hostel. We sell at cost items like biscuits, lollies, greeting cards, etc. , small luxuries that old folk can't get out and buy for themselves, and that are not provided by the people who run the hostel.I've noticed that some old people come into our shop, not to buy things, but simply to talk to someone from â€Å"the outside. †This brings home the to me that some old folks are just dumped in places like these, and are seldom visited by their loved ones. I think it vital that they should be visited, and to be shown that someone cares. During the next school holidays I intend to take my 9-year-old granddaughter into the shop with me, as I feel both she and the old folks would mutually benefit from the interaction.I was talking to my doctor recently, and was amazed to learn her act of kindness for Australia's National Kindness Day last year was to treat all of her patients she saw on the day for free! Standing in a long queue at the post office, I overheard one of the staff tell a woman at the counter that the parcel for her was heavy, and an awkward size. He invited her to go around to the side door where she could look at the parcel and decide what she wanted to do. A man in the queue overheard the conversation, and volunteered to drive the woman home with her parcel.The l ights turned green at the pedestrian crossing and the traffic had just begun to move forward when a stooped elderly lady, obviously unaware of the ‘don't walk' sign, stepped on to the crossing. The cars braked and waited patiently while the woman slowly made her way across the road, oblivious of the kindness of the drivers. Four years ago on New Year's Eve my husband had a serious hang-gliding accident and was airlifted off to intensive care in Melbourne. It was getting late at night by the time I learnt the details of the accident and by then he was far away in a Melbourne hospital, but which one I knew not.We were camping at Mt Beauty and knew no one in the camping ground, and I had a busy 5-year-old, as well as being pregnant! Our situation was made so much more bearable by the many acts of kindness from fellow campers. Money was given for the long distance phone calls to the hospitals, so I could find out where, and how, my husband was. Meanwhile neighbours looked after ou r little boy who was kept happy playing with their son. The next day, after an unsettled night, I began to prepare for the drive to Melbourne.Another neighbour rose early (and also woke his sons) to help me pack up the large tent and gear, and pack it all in the car. They even washed the car, and his wife prepared us a cut lunch! Not only that, she offered her home in Melbourne for as long as we needed, and asked if I'd like her to accompany us on the drive down, and said she would catch the train back (I had never met this wonderful lady before this day). The family minding our boy gave me their street directory with a line marking all the way to the hospital – I'd never driven to Melbourne before, so this was a great help.These two special families saw us off with hugs and best wishes and, I learnt later, both phoned the hospital to see how my husband was. He recovered and is looking forward to more (accident free) flying, and I will always remember these kind-hearted peopl e who helped me so much (Our little boy, too – he was so good during that time, I couldn't have asked for more). When my youngest child started school I returned to teaching. I made it a rule to praise every child every day. The happy smiles they gave me were reward enough.Six years ago I was left to fend for myself when my husband left me for my so called friend. I was sad, scared, but mostly lonely. After the news became common knowledge, one acquaintance of my husband began to ring me every evening at around 10. 30 pm to say, â€Å"Goodnight and God bless. †I finally asked him why he was doing this. His response was, â€Å"I can't stand to think of you being alone and sad without anyone to say goodnight to, so I want to do it while you are so sad. †This was a wonderful act of kindness from a man I hardly knew, but it made me feel cared for and not so alone.This man kept up the goodnight greeting for three months until I didn't sound or feel so sad, and then they stopped. I've never seen or heard from him since, but I bless his loving heart often. My current mission is to promote the Kindness Revolution with all the young people I come in contact with, so far with success. The idea of being kind appeals to my two special little friends Amy and Jessie. Jessie sends me monthly reports of her kindness activities which are really cute, especially the one about her 14 month old baby brother playing ‘Barbies' with her.Jessie considers this brother less important than a worm normally. I would love to tell you of a kind act I had the opportunity to participate in, because of a strong feeling to help someone, who was not in a position to help themselves. A lovely lady in her nineties is a very good friend of my daughter's Godmother. I made a winter basket for her with all sorts of goodies, including a warm hat for the winter. It was such a pleasure to receive her phone call, she was so thrilled. I went to a cake shop recently and was wait ing to be served. There was this little old lady being served, she was asking the price of this and that.I told the man who served me that I would pay for the lady's choice. He whispered this to the sales woman, and I paid for mine and hers. However, she wasn't finished, and ordered a large apple pie as well – oops! The man raised his eyebrows at me, I thought for a brief moment and nodded my head – what the heck! When I was given my change I got out of there as fast as I could, as I didn't want to get sprung. I wonder if people going about their normal duties realise they can brighten up someone's day. My children's favourite day is Friday – rubbish bin day.As soon as they hear the truck they race to the door to watch. When the driver waves to them it always brings a big smile to their faces. The wave doesn't cost him anything, but it means so much to them. Thank you to all the people who take the time to smile or greet others while doing their job. Doing my no rmal Saturday morning shopping, I was attracted by the sound of a flute. Casting my gaze about I spied a man of about 50 standing on a nearby corner. As I walked closer there was something about him that caused me to think I should donate more than the usual one or two dollars.I walked up to him and stuffed a five dollar note into the top pocket of his coat. He stopped playing and said, â€Å"Thank you very much, that's very kind of you. †As I walked away he began playing again, this tune was decidedly more up tempo than the previous one. After many years as a city dweller, the opportunity came to move to a small town. Without having any job prospects, I decided to make the move. I hadn't been there very long when I mentioned to someone that I was going to buy a pot plant when I had the money, and put it on the front porch of the house I was living in.The next day, much to my surprise and delight, I found a pot plant on the front porch! It is so lovely to be away from the me anness and bustle of the city, to be in a place where people have the time to talk, to be sympathetic and respond to people's needs. I'm sure all Australians are like that, it's just that the pressure to perform is so much greater in the city, and we seem to be sucked into the ‘rat race' all too easily. One of my friends in Melbourne suffers from an unpleasant illness which robs her of energy and leaves her severely depressed. Despite this, her capacity for appreciation has been highly developed.She asked me to share this example of kindness with you, a reminder that small actions can make a big difference to a person's day. My friend was seeking some refreshment but was deterred by the crowded cafe. Summoning courage a second time she entered the cafe, but felt daunted by the lack of available space. A man seated with a friend quickly perceived my friend's dilemma, and carried a chair to a table without seating, so she could sit down. My friend was greatly touched by the man' s awareness and swift response. She was able to enjoy a coffee and no doubt her faith in human kindness was strengthened.My husband and I have a stall at our local market selling fruit, flowers and plants. During the week I look around a couple of Op Shops and pick up the odd Teddy or toy, which we take along to the market. When an irritable child comes along with a stressed mother, we give the child a toy and distract them for a while in conversation. It's amusing how the child shuts up, and it brings a smile to the mother's face. I was standing in a long queue at Coles Supermarket. The woman in front of me approached the check out with three items – milk, bread and margarine. She paused as she hunted through her purse and pockets for money. I definitely had $5 here†she kept saying out loud to her husband, who merely scowled at her and walked off, leaving her with two little kids. In desperation, she tipped the whole contents of her bag onto the counter and looked thr ough it. Meanwhile, I was getting really upset for this young mother. I looked in my purse and decided I would have enough to pay my groceries and have $10 left over. So I just handed her $5 and said, â€Å"There you are, have a nice day, and don't forget to pass it on. †I don't need to tell you how she reacted, and I thought she was going to kiss my feet.Out of sheer embarrassment I said, â€Å"Go on, get out of here and have a lovely day. †The next thing I know the check out lady is handing me a bag full of free magazines and muesli bars. â€Å"Here,†she said. â€Å"I'm astounded and so touched by what you did. Never in all my years have I seen anyone do that before. †We have a stall at the markets on Sundays, selling flowers. We look for people in wheelchairs or the elderly, also mums that look really unhappy, and we hand them a bunch of flowers for free – it's wonderful to see their reaction. Only two people have ever refused to take them.A friend of mine was told he had cancer of the liver and had only a few weeks to live. I called on him and he was looking pretty crook, so I phoned for an ambulance to take him to hospital. At home I tried to think of our past conversations about his son, and where he lived. I remembered it was somewhere near Campbelltown in N. S. W. I dialled the operator and gave her the name I wanted, explaining my difficulties. I said, â€Å"Just give me anyone with that name and I'll try my luck. †I was told there was no one with that name in Campbelltown, but she said there was one in Picton. OK, I'll try that,†and the computer gave me the number. I dialled the number straight away. A woman answered and I asked her if her husband's name was Kevin. It was, and I told her to tell him to get to Bundaberg ASAP, as his dad was sick and needed him. Kevin rang twenty minutes later, and said he would catch the next available plane. I'm so glad he did, because 48 hours later, on Valentine 's Day, his dad died. I feel so good that Kevin was able to talk to his dad and hold his hand and say goodbye, and I feel even better that my friend died happy and loved.Was it just a coincidence that the operator looked in another area for the number – I wonder? Someone phoned recently and told me the following story. Many years ago a child was reprimanded severely by her parents for something she had done. The little girl (let's call her ‘Emma') was distraught, and was found wandering down the street, crying, by someone who lived near by. When the woman heard Emma's story, she considered that the punishment had been excessive, and out of sympathy took Emma to a shop and bought her an ice cream. This was a rare treat for Emma, as her family was destitute and there was no money available for ice cream.Emma maintained contact with the woman over the ensuing years, but this was lost when Emma was of an age where she was able to leave home. Years later, when Emma was in he r mid thirties, she chose to visit a nursing home in the hope of being able to bring some cheer to the residents. Much to her surprise and delight, Emma discovered one of the residents, now old and lonely, was the kind woman who bought her the ice cream. Emma became a regular visitor, and spent many hours bringing comfort and friendship to the old woman, until she passed away.Emma told the story to a mourner at the funeral, who in turn told it to the person who rang me. When I was fifteen, a man kidnapped me, attacked me and tried to take my life. I ended up with a shattered back and serious internal injuries. My family was fractured and were not supportive, but the kindness of strangers saw me through. A lady held my hand one night, and cried over me. The nurses wept, and cheered when I took my first steps months after my back was broken. A nurse called Tony made me laugh and took me out to the gardens, where we would talk for ages. A priest sat by my bedside at five o'clock each m orning.Then Tommy came into my life and showered me with kindness. These special acts and special people are never forgotten, and the memory of their kindness is conjured up, and is as new as freshly-baked bread. Sometimes we feel helpless, and wonder what we can do to help. While we may not have much money, time or resources, the simplest acts are often the most powerful [As a post script, the Tommy she speaks about later became her husband]. This week I suffered a home invasion. A bloke pulled off my security screen and smashed a large glass window in the middle of the night while I was at home in bed.I was lucky that only an empty handbag was stolen and that I wasn't bashed. The response from friends has been incredible. I am President of a 50+ Leisure Club, which has in excess of 100 members. Many of them have either rung me to make sure I am OK, or have passed messages of goodwill through other friends. Some have visited me, bringing gifts of flowers and Lotto tickets and (most important) hugs. One or two have offered me a bed for a few nights until I've got over the initial trauma, while others have offered to come and stay the night to give me a feeling of security.I have been given silent phone numbers, with instructions to ring any time, day or night, if I need to talk. Two people have even offered to give me a dog to deter intruders. I have received supportive emails and advice on how to better secure my home. All this wonderful kindness has touched my heart. How on earth can I say thank you? It seems such a hackneyed phrase for a very sincere feeling of gratitude. If friends were wealth, I'd be very rich indeed. I was waiting with a patient to see her Oncologist. A man walked by and offered us a chocolate each and we thanked him for his kind gesture.A few minutes later, he was called into the doctor's room, came out, and then it was our turn. The Oncologist then offered us chocolates, on behalf of his patient whom, he informed us, buys 12 chocolates every day and offers them to 12 people so that he can make 12 people happy, and be happier himself 12 times more! I am writing to you regarding an act of huge kindness toward me and my children that I considered worth sharing with you. I am a sole parent of three children aged 7 years, 4 years, and 10 months. My first partner died a few years ago, and the father of my youngest has gone his separate way.A couple of weeks ago I was unfortunate enough to get pulled over by the police doing roadside vehicle checks, on the way to school to pick up my children. The result was a yellow sticker for faults with my old but ‘faithful' Commodore. This presented a major problem for me as the car is an absolute necessity, and finances as a single parent don't allow for unforseen emergencies. I was very distressed by the whole situation. In steps my friend Jennifer, and her husband Paul, with an offer of assistance. They ended up spending the whole weekend working on my car.Paul then reques ted half a day off work on Monday to ensure the work was completed before the vehicle examination that day. Another act of kindness by Paul's boss, who was made aware of the situation and allowed him time off. As a result, my car went through the inspection with only minor things to rectify. And of course, Paul again helped with these. Further to this, some other very kind friends of mine, Caroline and Denver, gave hours of their time to work on the car. And while they were there they also pruned all of my big trees and took a trailer load of rubbish to the tip.The happy ending to this long story is that these wonderful people turned around a seemingly impossible situation. The sticker has been removed and the car is starting to look like new. The other day I was in a busy shopping centre car park with little room to manoeuvre large vehicles, when I saw a lady getting flustered trying to reverse her large ‘tank' of a car out of it's parking spot, without much success, and a qu eue of cars waiting for her. I stood in the middle of the car park and it took a while, but with me directing her, she eventually got out and was most grateful.It turned a tense situation into one we had a laugh about – and that's what life is all about. And in closing, one of the many gems I try to live by: â€Å"Happiness does not come from what you have, but from what you are. †I was in a supermarket recently, and an elderly man had bumped a vein in the back of his hand and it was bleeding. He said, â€Å"Oh, how silly of me,†and got his hanky out and blotted it. I was standing nearby, and stood there compassionately. He went on his way and came back a few minutes later with a packet of band aids.He asked me whether I could put one on his hand for him, which I did after it had stopped bleeding. He thanked me and went on his way. I smiled for the rest of the day, with joy in my heart. A friend of mine told me a story that recently took place at Woolies. She had noticed that the man behind her in the queue had only a few items in his shopping basket, and he seemed to be in a hurry – so she let him go before her. He was so touched that he bought her a chocolate bar from the display at the check out, and thanked her. She said that she and the check-out operator just smiled at each other in disbelief.Last October, we had to have our 16? year old much loved family dog put to sleep by our vet, who had cared for Mindy for most of her life. The week following, the vet sent me a lovely letter saying how sad we must have felt at our loss, and thanking us for our care of Mindy. I really appreciated this letter. The other week I was in one of those bargain shops. I saw a plastic file which I thought would come in handy to keep some documents in. The girl at the check out counter said they were good, and she would like to get one for school (she was working in the school holidays).She said she didn't have the money at that time and would get it later. I thought there might not be any left ‘later', so I bought her one. She was so pleased, and it was her birthday in a few days. It made me feel glad that I could help her. As I was waiting in the supermarket queue, I noticed the man in front of me had three tins of meat and vegetables, and I thought that they were probably were his next three meals. When the tins were scanned he presented a credit card and asked for $10 in cash. I thought that $10 was a small amount to ask for, and guessed he didn't have much money.The card was scanned several times, but the message â€Å"Refer to card holder†kept on appearing. The man, obviously embarrassed, told the girl he'd have to leave the tins. I told the person I would pay the six dollars and something, and the poor man, now highly embarrassed, mumbled a thank you and rushed away with his tins. In 1983, the Ash Wednesday bushfires destroyed homes in Mt Macedon, Victoria. My chiropractor came from Melbourne to Woodend (to our place), with his car loaded to the brim with goods for the unfortunate people who lost everything.He and his wife were the only ones who bothered to come visit us, who cared enough. Our house was filthy, but still standing. Four years ago my son was left with two kids (one just a baby), one teddy bear, and his car, plus all the outgrown kid's clothes, which were absolutely useless to him (his wife refused to let the kids have their toys or their clothes). A friend from my school days arrived with a car load of kid's clothes, books and toys for Steve's kids. My friend had spent every cent she'd earned that week (coaching) on the kids. It didn't finish there!She also gave Steve a single bed, cupboards, a bike, etc. The trailer was overflowing and so was the station wagon. I was in tears. There was an old lady in the supermarket queue in front of me. She had a tomato and a few other vegetables, and a tin of ham. When the value of the goods was totalled, she looked in her purse and told the check out person she didn't have enough money. The check out person said, loudly and rather rudely I thought, â€Å"Well, which ones can you afford to pay for? †The woman opted to leave the ham. I was tempted to pay for the ham, but didn't have the cash to hand over.I put my purchases through, trying to ‘think' the girl to move quickly before the woman had disappeared, and when I presented my credit card, told the girl I would pay for the tin of ham she had put to one side. â€Å"Why would you do that? †she asked. â€Å"Because it was probably for her next meal! †I replied. I ran out of the supermarket and fortunately she wasn't too far away. I caught up with her and gave her the tin of ham. â€Å"What's this? †she asked. â€Å"It's yours†I replied. â€Å"But I can't pay for it†she said. â€Å"You don't have to†I said, and hurried off, leaving her standing there staring at the tin.When I drove away she was st ill standing there, staring at the tin. I was driving along in the left hand lane when at the last minute realised it led only onto the freeway. The lane next to me started to fill up with cars stopping for a red traffic light. There was a car behind me so I couldn't go anywhere. Just then two cars in the lane beside me reversed to let me in, when they realised I was in the wrong lane. That just made my day! My youngest son (I am now a sole parent) and I were standing at the local supermarket check-out recently with a full trolley. I noticed an elderly man behind me with only a few items, so I told him to go first.He was very appreciative. After he had paid for his things he walked away, only to return a few minutes later with a beautiful bunch of pink carnations. He gave them to me and said, â€Å"Thank you. You've taught me to be giving. †I was stunned, as was the checkout girl. My son was so impressed he said to me, â€Å"You should marry that man. †What a sweet g esture! As a teenager I had a very bad time, lots of abuse and things like that. One day I decided that I'd had enough, and I was on my way to hurl myself off the bridge and into oblivion. As I was walking I was sort of in a dream, not really aware of anything, but a voice lifted me out of the fog.There was an old man smiling at me, a gentleman, as he'd been wearing a hat and he had removed it and was holding it in one hand above his head, like you see people do in some old movies. I said something like, â€Å"What? â€Å", and he said to me, â€Å"It's a lovely day – don't you think? †I said I suppose it was, and he put his hat back on and walked away. I watched this small elderly man with a sprightly step walk down the path for what seemed like hours, and I finally sat down on a bench nearby. Yes, it was a lovely day, I thought, and why was I thinking of taking my life on such a lovely day?I moved out of home as soon as I had finished school, got a job as a waitre ss and did a secretarial course part time. After completing the course I worked for a small manufacturing company as a secretary, married my boss, and we have three lovely daughters. That incident happened about 15 years ago, yet it is still so vivid in my mind. I remember every word that stranger said to me, and those soft blue eyes of his. I think of him as my guardian angel, who took on human form to save my life. I was on a teaching prac. recently, teaching a 4/5 class. I told them about the 12 Days of Kindness and they thought it was really cool.Anyway, for â€Å"Children's Day†I organised an activity where each child wrote his/her name on a piece of blank paper. All the papers were laid out on the table, with the name facing upwards. Then each child (and the teachers too) went around, turned over the paper and wrote a nice thing about each child. At the end of ten minutes, the children each had a piece of paper filled with compliments. They were so excited to read them , but I collected them to hand out the next day (I wanted to read them first, and add my own message to each one). The next day I handed them out.The atmosphere in the room was amazing, as it was the previous afternoon when they were writing down the compliments. Before they left the room, I told them that Sunday was â€Å"My Day†and that it's important to give yourself compliments, so they each had to write down one nice thing about themselves. Self esteem is so vital, and it has to be fostered when young! I work as a checkout operator at a large chain supermarket, which is a job that leaves me feeling quite anonymous at times. However, I always make an effort to be cheerful and greet all my customers with a smile and a pleasant â€Å"How are you? , which, I can assure you, isn't always easy some days! Recently, I had an enjoyable experience serving a very friendly, bubbly lady who smiled right back at me and engaged in pleasant chitchat the whole time I was serving her. A s many people simply ignore my efforts of friendliness, this was a lovely experience in itself. However, this lovely lady, unbeknown to me, then went on to see the manager solely for the purpose of complimenting me on my service and thanking him for employing such a friendly member of staff. The manager then bought me a box of chocolates as a thank you for my efforts.Well, as you can imagine, I was truly touched by this gesture, both from the customer and the manager. It really made me feel valued and loved, and I still feel teary when I think about it. It really doesn't take much to make someone feel so wonderful. I went into the bank today to draw out cash to tide me over the next two weeks. There was a woman at the teller next to me and I overheard snatches of the conversation between her and the teller. There was talk about her having a food voucher from Vinnies, and the teller informing her that her account was already overdrawn, so she couldn't withdraw any further funds.It se emed she was a visitor to Sydney, and would be going home in a couple of days. She asked the teller if there was someone else in the bank she could talk to about withdrawing money, but naturally was advised that there was nothing that could be done, bank policy and all that. I pulled one of my precious $50 notes I had just been given, said, â€Å"Happy Christmas! †as I placed it in front of her on the counter, and walked out of the bank. I then went to a cake shop across the road and just happened to glance through the glass door as she walked past. Our eyes met, she paused and mouthed a ‘Thank you! ‘ before hurrying off.There are times when life is good, and we need to cherish those moments, as their memories can surely help us through the not-so-good times. I recently had an operation on my leg for a damaged ligament. In my conversation with the anaesthetist prior to the operation, he said he noticed that the operation was self funded, and asked me about it. I told him that years ago I'd dropped out of the medical benefits system because of lack of money. He then asked whether payment would be a problem, and I said that it would be nice if I could pay the $500 fee in several smaller payments rather than in a lump sum.He squeezed my hand and said he would see what he could do. When I received his invoice after the operation, I was delighted to see that the $500 had been reduced to $380! We hear stories about people being ripped off by medical services, but it is nice to know there are doctors out there who have compassion and kindness. In a post-op discussion I had with the surgeon, he said that when the ligament had healed he would tell me about a natural remedy that would help prevent the problem
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Herbal medicine is the traditional medical practice and...
Herbal medicine is the traditional medical practice and it’s an important part of medicine to this day. To treat different ailments there are various indigenous systems such as Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani and Allopathy use differnt plant species1. Allopathic medicine is a system of medicine that focuses primarily on reacting disease rather than on promoting health. The use of herbal medicine is popular due to toxicity and side effects of allopathic medicines. Cancer is presently responsible for about 25% of all deaths in US and other developed countries. On a yearly basis, 0.5% of the population is diagnosed with cancer. It can be treated with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapies etc., but all these have side effects and that†¦show more content†¦are used for cancer treatment but those are highly expensive due to less abundance of plants and very less amount of active constituent from plants like 500 mg vincristine from 5 kg vinca. So an indigenous drug, Sansevieria roxburghiana is selected for anti cancer activity as it is reported to have cytotoxicity in brine shrimp lethality assay18 and anti-cancer activity against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice20. There are no investigations, so far, on the activity of extract to the active molecule level. The present proposal is aimed to fill this gap and validate the active fraction/s responsible for anticancer activities by established methodology. 2. Literature survey: Cancer is a class of diseases or disorders characterized by uncontrolled cell proliferation and tissue invasion or metastasis of abnormal cell in the body. This unregulated growth is caused by damage to DNA. This leads to mutations in genes that encoding proteins for controlling cell division5. Cancer is a dreadful human disease, and it kills annually about 3500 per million populations around the world. Oral cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in India6. In 2008 IARC reported 12.7 million new cancer cases7 and 14.1 million new cancer cases in 2012 worldwide. The major goal in the development of anticancer drugs is improving the therapeutic activity and selectivity. Plant-derived agents act by modulating various signaling pathways in cancer cells. Some of theShow MoreRelatedThe Common Health Tradition Of Different Cultures Based On Cultural Heritage1162 Words  | 5 PagesThis paper examines the common health tradition of three different cultures based on cultural heritage and how these families in America subscribe to these traditions and practices. The necessary plan for health maintenance, protection and restoration will be developed based on the health needs of these families. 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It is becoming more mainstream as improvements in analysis and quality control along with advances in clinical research show the value of herbal medicine in the treating and preventing disease. What is the history of herbal medicine? PlantsRead MoreModern Medicine, Traditional Medicine And Complementary And / Or Alternative Medicine1517 Words  | 7 PagesScientific Medicine, Traditional Medicine and Complementary and/or Alternative Medicine. Western Scientific Medicine Definition: A system in which medical doctors and other healthcare professionals (such as nurses, pharmacists, and therapists) treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, radiation, or surgery. Also allopathic medicine, biomedicine, conventional medicine, mainstream medicine, and orthodox medicine. Traditional Medicine Definition: The sum total of knowledge, skills and practices basedRead MoreAlternative Medicine : Modern Medicine1321 Words  | 6 PagesParth Patel Spiritual Healers Alternative medicine has grown in great popularity among third world countries. Where modern medicine can often be impossible or just out of financial reach, people have some to seek other methods of healing. Though curing the common sickness is not the only thing spiritual healers have claimed to have the cure for, it’s a big interest to many people all around the world. Across many countries all around the globe long passed on traditions and ceremonies are beingRead MoreEssay on Heritage Assessment Tool1734 Words  | 7 PagesAssessment Tool Kacey McIntee Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V Jane Parkman December 21, 2012 The Heritage Assessment Tool  The uprising of diversified communications has caused the combination of differing cultures. This suggests that dissimilar cultures are no not restricted to geographical boundaries. The noteworthy social drive worldwide has elevated apprehension over tailored health care. It is vital that the cultural backgrounds of a group have influential influencesRead MoreAppalachian Folk Remedies And Nursing Practices Essay1884 Words  | 8 PagesFolk Health Research Paper Appalachian Folk Remedies and Nursing Practices 12/2/16 Abstract Appalachian folk medicine is a system of healing made up of beliefs and practices that are transferred by oral tradition through families and communities. It was developed in response to a lack of access to modern medical care and combines homemade remedies with superstition and religious beliefs. A general definition of folk medicine is a collection of cures that are handed down by oral tradition
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