Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Preparation narrative report Essay Essays
Preparation narrative report Essay Essays Preparation narrative report Essay Paper Preparation narrative report Essay Paper My experience in shipboard is really memorable for me. every twenty-four hours your traveling to prize it. My experience goes this manner. trip to Manila. I’m really excited and when at the port i’m really defeated because our CoOJT’s from LPU Laguna is some sort of â€Å"maarte†and we met our STO Sir Joepet a really sort STO and I truly like him. When we embark at the ship I feel a small spot nervous but non because of I’m of I’m afraid that the ship is traveling to drop while afoot I’m afraid of what if I can’t do all undertaking that they are traveling to give us. After repairing our things we go directly to the multi intent room for our orientation. after that our STO gave us a clip to familiarisation we proceed to the Island Fiesta where the tourer adjustment eat their repast. We woke up really early and to be exact 2am for us non to be tardily in our responsibility. We are 14 so we 7 braces and my spouse is Erika my beloved friend. Our first responsibility is at the Island Fiesta. its truly a Fiesta because of 80 % of the riders ate at Island Fiesta. our clip of responsibility is 10hrs but its s broken sched were in we have a clip to rest. in Island Fiesta it measures how long your forbearance is. how good you are in selling and converting power gross revenues talk. at first I’m shy but when I find it exciting and merriment I truly bask it I truly do my best to name all attendings of the riders and we have a good gross revenues. after that I was assigned to dining and I do snoging out are foremost complicated and difficult to make but at the terminal I enjoy even if the other riders are annoying and raging. Second responsibility is housekeeping I truly bask it particularly the rubbish out things and bed doing even though the one casual is snob I still bask and in our 3rd responsibility in Quik Mart we sell bites and beverages we shout and shout walk and walk. sometimes could by riders and sometimes the riders get mad of us because we can’t understand them. and their pronunciations is really difficult to understand. Forth responsibility at the front office I got huffy because in whole responsibility we merely stand at that place after our responsibility my legs achings. Our 5th responsibility is at the galley or kitchen I truly bask it the chefs are really sort they are all accessible and amusing they make us laugh the whole responsibility. and the undertaking they gave us to slit 100 kg bittergourd and skining other staff. And nutrient in ship is errr! sometimes tasteless sometimes they are really rich in salt. and the nutrient is merely the same the whole OJT. And the casuals ar e really nice and sort unlike the other trainees seems they are the director or supervisor. -Angelica DominguezHRM 3A â€Å"My Magical Experience on Shipboard†May 14. 2014 was the twenty-four hours when we leave Nueva Ecija and travel to Tondo. Manila ( North Harbor Pier4 ) to get down our Practicum1 at Ship. On this twenty-four hours besides was our first ocean trip ( Manila to Cagayan de Oro ) . when we already board at the ship. the first thing we do is run into and recognize our STO Mr. Joepet Gallego discussed and issued the regulations and ordinances while were on the ship every bit good as our agenda and we besides had our circuit on ship to familiarized every section of the ship. On the following twenty-four hours. May 15. 2014 we already started our first responsibility at Island Fiesta nutrient tribunal wherein we bussed out. we served etc. . . On my first twenty-four hours on the ship I fell tiring. but when the twenty-four hours had been passed I enjoyed every second. minute. hr and yearss with my co-trainees. I already learned to love what I am making because they all treated me good particularly casuals. they treated us good. We learned a batch from them and we will neer bury this experience. I can state everybody that this experience is charming because it helps me to turn up and go a full-blown one. -Erica PortacioHRM 3A I was so aroused that we experienced being a portion of 2GO TRAVEL. it was so nice because all of them the insouciant. the crew particularly to our STO. all of them. they are so really sort. They portion us their cognition and experiences at the ship. During the 1st and last twenty-four hours of our responsibility we enjoyed being a trainee together with my spouse. I learned a batch on this preparation that you need to handle all riders good. esteem them and demo them that they are welcome. and even when rider say bad words all you can make is smile show to them that looks like nothings happen. I experience in this ship that its difficult to go a employee because even they are tired no affair what’you need to welcome them with a beautiful smiling. This On-the-job preparation experienced was really happy because it was my second clip to go on board. I could likely state that I truly learned a batch of things there’and I can besides state acquisition is non merely seen in the four corners of the room. I am hapy and proud because we finish our responsibility and it is a great memory to retrieve in our college life. -Princess TagaroHRM 3B Having my OJT at 2GO Travel is truly enjoy. I’ve learned a batch particularly in clip direction. We duty in the 6o’clock in the forenoon. so we need to wake up early. We learned how to socialise in other people. I gained more cognition about my class. I gained more friends because the bonding in our room. And we enjoy to travel other topographic points here in the Philippines. When we are on the ship. they taught us about the history. mission and vision of the company. corporate values. vass. installations and services of our prescribed logistic company. They besides told us about the preparation regulations and ordinances. basic house regulations and criterions like the criterions of courtesy and decorousness on board. unvarying demands and grooming criterions. Besides familiarize with the safety dismay. marks and symbols. Most of all. we are really happy because our Shipboard Training Officer is really nice. he take attention of us while we are on our responsibility. And all of the employee in the ship is really friendly. This is really memorable experience in my OJT. -Mariel MirandaHRM 3B As an Hrm Student. we were required to take On-the-job preparation related to our class. I decided to take my Ojt at MVSJP II. a vas from 2Go travel. I started my Ojt on May 14. 2014. On our first twenty-four hours on the ship. we took a talk headed by our STO or Shipboard Training Officer. Mr. Joepet Gallego. so he gave us our assignments of responsibilities. Our responsibilities revolved on Food and Beverage. Housekeeping. and Front Office Department. On the Food and Beverage Department. I have experienced a batch of plants from snoging out dishes. functioning nutrients. puting up the tabular array. and kitchen plants. I can state that I’ve learned clump of things there like the proper manner of speaking to the clients and to work grace under force per unit area. On the Housekeeping Department. we cleaned. took out rubbish. and do â€Å" bed making†on the different adjustments of the ship. I have applied my cognition on bed doing which I have learned from school and made my work easier. Besides. on this section. we have assigned to help riders to their suites or adjustments. this was really enjoying because I was able to run into different people. On the Front Office. it was a must to ever have on your smiling in every state of affairs. I have learned here to ever remain unagitated and polite to the invitees whatever their temper was. I have besides learned the proper manner of preparing myself. The whole Ojt experience for me was really ambitious but fun. I have practiced and developed a batch of my accomplishments. As a trainee. I’ve learned to follow purely on instructions. I improved my ego assurance and somehow became more sociable to people. I’ve learned to go flexible. to move professional and be polite at all times. I became cognizant to handling the customer’s right. I’ve learned to bask my work and my workplace. and to bask working with the people around me. I can state that I gained a batch of cognition that I can use in the close hereafter. and I can state that I chose the right the class for me. 2go Travel’s MVSJP II offers good working environment. which made my experience really basking. -Samantha Ellaine BeltranHRM 3B Performs other maps as may be given by my supervisor from clip to clip and keep cleanliness and methodicalness of assigned at all times. serves repasts to the riders following to the proper nutrient handling processs and aids in the requisition and issue of stock from the shop room and performs implicative merchandising technique to increase gross revenues and ensures that no unauthorised forces take out functioning from the nutrient on show for sale and free repasts and line performs other maps as may be given by the housework supervisor from to clip. -Verna SalamancaHRM 3B The first clip I saw the ship I felt nervous and aroused. when the clip the ship is ongoing that dark I don’t know what I truly experience. The dark besides I can’t sleep because I feel a small round scared because of the ship is rocking. The first twenty-four hours of my responsibility is in Quik mart. my spouse is Benjie Cardenas. He is besides my spouse in my whole OJT in the Saint Pope John Paul II. Every twenty-four hours in my responsibility we enjoyed together. the casual of the ship and my carbon monoxide trainee from other school. I’m really grateful. blessed and happy for being a portion of the shipboard preparation. 15 yearss working difficult but full of larning and besides felicity. A batch of minutes one time in a life-time. I can state that my OJT will neer bury in my whole life. -Byron MacalinaoHRM 2B My on-the-job preparation experienced is really happy because that is my first clip to go the diff. parts of the Philippines. At first. I felt so aroused and besides nervous. Our first twenty-four hours in the ship is merely an orientation. My first experience in OJT preparation. me and Byron assigned in Quik Mart. I feel diffident and nervous. the we sell dressing. we enjoy it because purportedly turned merely similar gypsy. Second twenty-four hours in housekeeping besides we assigned. We meet Sir Toto. he is the kindest crew. he taught the technique in how to bed doing etc. We experienced to wipe up a stairway. we besides assign ports. It is non easy because it’s excessively many riders need to help but it is all right because we requested the hotel director assigned. We besides experienced the Island Fiesta hard because excessively many riders eating. Besides taught proper coach out. I enjoy it even fatigue. We besides dropped in Cagayan to purchase goods and besides flesh out. nutrient trip. The street nutrient in Cagayan was really delightful. Then in Cebu we go to the most of import antediluvian church and the Magellan’s Cross. -Benjie CardenasHRM 2B During my OJT. I learned how to be a responsible in my ain manner. on the first twenty-four hours of my OJT. I feel nervous but I’m so excited. I learned how to love. attention and esteem our client. Me and my spouse experience or meet some tests or jobs but we solve it because we helped each other. This OJT is unforgettable minute and I can state that this is one of the best portion of my college life. -Jommel CabaHRM 2A I have a batch of experience at the 2GO Travel Shipboard. First. to entertain guest. if what they need in the forepart desk. Second. on how to function the nutrient and to bus out. Third. to sell a merchandise even though it’s expensive to the other invitee. but they obligated to but it. Fourth. on how to bed doing. to clean the cabin or adjustment. Fifth. at the galley or kitchen. I cut a batch of veggies and sometimes my ain finger ? . And of class. the casuals and our STO. their so good to us. they like friends. brothers and sisters to us. But all in all I enjoyed. that was a best experient I’ve of all time feel. I will non bury those experience at 2GO Travel. and I will missed them. Thank YOU! ! -Princess Cammille FerrerHRM 2D At first I feel nervous because I don’t have any thought on what we do while were remaining at that place but so there’s a feeling that I’m so excited to experiencing onboard. Then. we met Mr. Joepet Gallego our Shipboard Training Officer ( STO ) . His a nice individual. he tours us onboard so he learn us everything onboard. adjustment and other installations. On my first responsibility. we assigned at the front office. I feel world-weary ? but the twenty-four hours past. we all acquiring haggard. we need to woke up every bit early as 3am to set up ourselves for mundane responsibility. I experience a batch of thing that on shipboard experience. At first. yeah it’s so difficult to work particularly on Island Fiesta but clip after clip it’s become easy because we enjoyed what we’re making. Two hebdomads was done. I feel bad because I know I will missed my yearss with other OJT’s. the casuals that teach us how to work easy and most partic ularly I missed my new friends. the individual who make me laugh every clip even we’re tired we have a clip to speak on everyone’s experienced ? -Jaymie NatividadHRM 2D Last May 14. our OJT start. The name of our ship is MV St. Pope John Paul II. During the twenty-four hours of my responsibilities I felt so nervous and excited particularly on the first twenty-four hours because I am a first timer so they teach me how to help invitee and function client. Then after a long clip of being there I learned the diff. ways/ techniques on how to cover with the client. Having a successfully completed 300 hours of OJT on the ship I learned a batch of things like on how to socialise with other people. I easy command my pique to the clients that are really demanding and non speak nicely. -Aira Jane CanlasHRM 2D During our On the Job Training at MV Saint Pope John Paul II. we were assign at eight different types of countries at the shipboard like Front Office. Quick Mart. Galley. Horizon. Island Fiesta. Cabin. Mega Value and Super Value. Every twenty-four hours we have a rotary motion for those different countries. First hebdomad of our practicum at the shipboard was non easy for me because every twenty-four hours we have to the different sort of undertaking for that country. so the crew teach us like on housework at the cabin we learned the bed devising. towel folding and on different suites we besides do cleaning riders room. the comfort room and we besides do junk out. At the Front Desk. we were great and help the riders about their concerned. at Restaurant like Horizon and Island Fiesta we were functioning nutrients for the clients. bass out. rinsing dishes and cleaning the tabular array. we are besides selling nutrients and drinks at the Quik Mart. All Crew teach us good for what we were making on their country and they treat us like their household besides our STO Mr. Joepet Gallego who rounded every hr to see were making. look into our attending and attention for us when one of us are ill. we met a batch of pupil in different schools they are our co-trainees. Practicum at MVSJP was unforgettable we were good trained and larn to be organized for every facet. We learned to be patient and command our pique because we were fall ining a batch of people every twenty-four hours who have different attitude. For all of that we heighten our assurance. socialisation and accomplishments. -Nelissa PazHRM 2D DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. Front OfficeApply client service accomplishmentsFacilitate enrollment and rooming-in of inviteesHandle guest’s petitions and enquiriesManage safety sedimentation boxes and lost and found serviceAid in the in-house amusement servicesClean and form the Front Office B. First Class Dining Saloon/ HorizonApply client service accomplishmentsCarry out nutrient assigningTake guests’ ordersServe guests’ ordersBus out dishesWash the dishesClean the First Class Dining Saloon C. Economy Dining Saloon/ Island FiestaApply client service accomplishmentsCarry out nutrient assigningCarry out sanitation and hygiene criterions on Food and Beverage countries Bus out dishesWash the dishesClean the Economy Dining Saloon D. Ship Shop/ Quik MartApply client service accomplishmentsSell MerchandiseClean Ship ShopMake gross revenues study E. GalleyCarry out review of finished merchandise prior to serving to clients Apply proper managing of nutrients for bringingClean cutter. pots and the galley equipmentCarry out proper storage processs like screening. labelling. FIFO Method Prepare natural stuffs for nutrient processing F. Housekeeping- CabinApply client service accomplishmentsPerform housework reviewsClean guests’ adjustmentsClean public toilets in cabinsMake-up bed G. Housekeeping-Tatami/ Mega ValueApply client service accomplishmentsPerform housework reviewsClean guests’ adjustmentsClean public comfort roomClean hallway countries H. Housekeeping-Economy/ Super ValueClean hallway countriesClean anterooms and sing decksApply client service accomplishmentsPerform housework reviewsClean guests’ adjustmentsClean public comfort room
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Position of Greek Women in the Archaic Age
The Position of Greek Women in the Archaic Age Evidence About Greek Women in the Archaic Age As with most areas of ancient history, we can only generalize from limited available material about the place of women in Archaic Greece. Most evidence is literary, coming from men, who naturally didnt know what it was like to live as a woman. Some of the poets, notably Hesiod and Semonides, appear to be misogynist, seeing the role of woman in the world as little more than a cursed man would be well off without. Evidence from drama and epic frequently presents a stark contrast. Painters and sculptors also portray women in a friendlier manner, while epitaphs show women as much-loved partners and mothers. In Homeric society, the goddesses were just as powerful and important as the gods. Could the poets have envisioned strong-willed and aggressive women if there were none in real life? Hesiod on Women in Ancient Greece Hesiod, shortly after Homer, saw women as a curse sprung from the first female whom we call Pandora. Her name means all gifts, and she was a gift to man from an angry Zeus, crafted in Hephaestus forge and cultivated by Athena. Thus, Pandora was not only never born, but her two parents, Hephaestus and Athena, had never been conceived by sexual union. Pandora (hence, woman) was unnatural. Famous Greek Women in the Archaic Age From Hesiod until the Persian War (which marked the end of the Archaic Age), only a few womens exploits were recorded. Best known is the poet and teacher from Lesbos, Sappho. Corinna of Tanagra is thought to have defeated the great Pindar in verse competition five times. When the husband of Artemisia of Halicarnassus died, she assumed his place as a tyrant and joined the expedition of the Persians led by Xerxes against Greece. A bounty was offered by the Greeks for her head. Archaic Age Women in Ancient Athens Most of the evidence about women in this time comes from Athens, like the influential Aspasia in the time of Pericles. Women were needed to help run the oikos home where she would cook, spin, weave, manage servants and raise the children. Chores, like fetching water and going to market, were done by a servant if the family could afford it. Higher class women were expected to have a chaperone accompany them when they left the house. Among the middle class, at least in Athens, women were a liability. Occupations of Archaic Age Greek Women Priestesses and prostitutes were exceptions to the generally low status of Archaic Age Greek women. Some wielded significant power. Indeed, the most influential Greek person of either sex was probably the priestess of Apollo at Delphi. Spartan women may have owned property, and some inscriptions show that Greek tradeswomen operated stalls and laundries. Marriage and Family Roles in Archaic Greece If a family had a daughter, they needed to raise a substantial sum to pay the dowry to her husband. If there was no son, the daughter passed her fathers inheritance to her spouse, for which reason she would be married to a close male relative like a cousin or uncle. Normally, she was married a few years after puberty to a man much older than herself. Main Source Frank J. Frosts Greek Society (Fifth Edition).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Western And Byzantine Civilizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Western And Byzantine Civilizations - Essay Example The eastern part of the Roman Empire achieved greatness as the Byzantine civilization, which saw its days of glory during the rule of Justinian and Theodora. Eastern Orthodoxy was the dominant religious belief and a new imperial law was devised, which resulted in a unified imperial Government, unlike the fractured tribes of the Western civilization. The government was also centralized and under the rule of Justinian, art reached new heights since several new buildings and churches were built. The first document dealing with this period is a piece written by the Christian priest Salvian, which compares the Romans and the Barbarians and finds that the barbarians have superior moral values. This document is titled â€Å"Of God’s Government†and is found in the book titled â€Å"Readings in European History†Vol 1 by James Harvey Robinson, published in 1904. The priest compares Roman customs to those of the barbarians and points out that the barbarians, despite th eir record of cruelty and sin, appear to demonstrate the values of love, kindness, and charity which the Romans ought to have. The Romans, on the contrary, persecute each other and the enormity of their sin is doubled because they are supposed to be civilized individuals. On this basis, the priest concludes that the moral framework of the barbarians may, in fact, be superior to the Romans. The second document is written by the court historian and biographer Procopius. The article is titled â€Å"The character and innovations of Justinian and Theodora†and appears in the book titled â€Å"The secret history of Procopius†published in 1927 by Crown Publishers. In this article, Procopius presents a critical view of Justinian and Theodora. He points out the differences in the Roman manner of greeting where the dignity of high officials was preserved, while Justinian and Theodora demanded a more slavish form homage.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Ethics Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ethics Critique - Essay Example If the drivers are well understood, it is possible to justify the moral judgment using psychological research. However, some people will make moral judgment without being driven by anything but out of other factors such as influence. Sometimes, it may be impossible to differentiate if the decision was made for given motives or out of influence. In such cases, it becomes impossible to use psychological research to justify the moral judgment. This essay argues that the capability of psychological research to justify moral judgment depends on whether the motives and factors leading the judgment are understood. Psychological research which explains how human beings make moral judgments can be used to justify a given judgment or action. Although there is no clear reason, why people make certain choices and not others, people will tend to justify their actions depending on the circumstances. In Greene’s (363) opinion, humans wish to make judgments based on reasoning. However, most o f them end up making their decisions based on emotions. Therefore, if the emotions are well understood, it is possible to understand how humans will justify their actions, or the possible reasons that they will give for their actions. In Greene opinion, (364) â€Å"People tend to have emotional responses to personal moral violations, responses that incline them to judge against performing those actions.†However, it sometimes becomes hard to justify actions since some people make decisions without even thinking. It is only after making a decision that humans try to reason as they seek to justify their action or decide if it was right or wrong. Since it is well understood that people tend to make decisions depending on their intuitions, it only requires the researcher to understand the intuitions of the person making the decision to be able to tell the way they will justify their actions. Since there are no reasons for doing certain actions, it is possible to predict the way p eople will justify their moral judgment. It is possible to justify moral judgment using psychological research since people will justify actions as wrong or right depending on how the society views certain actions. Aristotle (173-174) claims that if a certain action is perceived to be wrong and a person commits it, it is obvious that he or she will try to find any reasons that will make the action appear right. Therefore, it only requires one to understand perceptions of the society regarding certain actions to be able to predict or tell how the doer of any action will justify it. Another reason why psychological research can be used to justify a given judgment is that some actions are performed out of obedience and not reason. It thus requires the researcher to know the motivation behind certain action. If an action of political aggression is performed, the doer will obviously justify the action by giving political reasons. For example, a dictator is likely to justify their dictato rial actions by demonstrating why humans require to be forced to act in a certain way. A person doing charity work will justify their actions by finding reasons on how their actions are helpful to others. Additionally, Milgram (184) posits that some actions are performed out of rebellion. If the researcher understands the nature of person performing a given action, then it is possible to justify the action without understanding the reason behind it. It only requires one to understand the nature of the person doing the action to be able to pre
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Epic of Gilgamesh Essay Example for Free
Epic of Gilgamesh Essay In the epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh ventures upon a quest seeking immortality as a result to peace and significance in life. In means of this journey, Gilgamesh undergoes a combination of grand adventure, of mortality and also of tragedy. He tries to reach immortality in unusual ways, each as unsuccessful as its predecessor. Gilgamesh suffers conflict due to being two-part god and one part man, in a preliterate time, when gods were seemingly to be replaced by mortals on the throne of the city-states. Gilgamesh tries first through his actions, but then undergoes a transformation which leads him to next attempt physical immortality. Through events of this process, Gilgamesh encounters whom is to be his counterpoint, his equal. Gilgamesh then learns, on his journey to immortality, the truth of a man who endures the wrath of a god, in which he has displeased, causing a stage of extermination of mankind. Gilgamesh gains mature knowledge among his quest. Uruk, his city, is his legacy and the key to his quest. The legends of the pursuit for immortality assembled in the Epic of Gilgamesh portray the conflict felt around Sumerian times. As urbanization swept Mesopotamia, the ethnic condition pivoted from an unsettled hunting society to that of a rural gathering society. Man found his relationship with the divine indefinite and insecure. From the gods, Gilgamesh possessed a perfect body, perfect beauty, restlessness and courage. From his father, Gilgamesh possessed mortality. This results in Gilgamesh having to face the ultimate conflict; conflict of the desires of the god and destiny of the man. Even the king, to whom all things were known, would have to confront commands of tragedy. Superior to all mortal, Gilgamesh finds no desirable match in love or in war. Intending to provide a companion, the gods create from Clay, Enkidu. â€Å"Enkidu, the ‘natural man’ reared with wild animals, and as swift as the gazelle†(Gilgamesh, 22). Gilgamesh and Enkidu seemed to equal out each other and quickly became partners. Gilgamesh was made by the gods so therefore has high self confidence, very smart, but extremely arrogant. He felt as if he had â€Å"supreme powers†and that nothing was impossible. Enkidu was raised by animals in the forest. He was brave, smart, and loyal to his new friend. Enkidu helped Gilgamesh discover his humble and kindhearted side by their newfound brotherhood. Even though the first time they met was a long brawl, the two became inseparable brothers. Not only have they fought against each other but they also fought against many other evils. This later concludes in Enkidu’s death and brings Gilgamesh into a sadness he thought he could only overcome if he was immortal. My hand’s strength, the sword in my belt, The shield before me†(Gilgamesh, 62), reveals the nature of Gilgamesh’s relationship with his soul mate, best friend, and loyal companion, Endiku. The gods in Gilgameshs epic are bestowed as being easily agitated and vindictive. Being two-thirds a god himself, Gilgamesh acts of defiance also speak to a bitter aspect of the gods among ancient Mesopotamians. The gods are depicted as being challenging to satisfy, sometimes penalizing without account or granting punishments that seem out of equivalence to violation. Both men face consequence by insulting Ishtar, but Gilgamesh is able to face his own mortality and Enkidu discover s great knowledge of the measure of life. Subsequently, the loss of Enkidu, Gilgamesh’s young brother and dear friend landed Gilgamesh in a pit of despair. His equal companion has been overtaken by mortality. On his journey in search of immortality, caused by this fear of death, brought him to Utnapishtim. The man who was blessed with everlasting life after surviving the great flood. Aroused by the outrageousness, Enlil, the god of air, felt, â€Å"In those days the world teemed, the people multiplied and the world bellowed like a wild bull†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reason of the babel†(Gilgamesh, 70). As the advocate of destruction towards human kind, Enlil dominates with his weapon of storm. To his care, Anunnaki, gods of the underworld, cast upon rising waters by lightening. A great flood that will exterminate all mankind has been cursed upon Utnapishtim. â€Å"I looked at the face of the world and there was silence, all mankind was turned to clay†(Gilgamesh, 71). Similar to Noah’s ark, like doves, a swallow and a raven were released. After land was promised, fed to the gods are sacrifices made by Noah and Utnapishtim. In turn, everlasting blessings were cast upon themselves and their families. Utnapishtim challenged Gilgamesh’s commitment to immortality by ordering Gilgamesh to prevail against sleep for six days and seven nights. Gilgamesh fails this request. This journey underscores his humanity, which he did not truly learn a lesson until he first erred in the wrong direction. Therefore, the society, by writing the story of Gilgamesh, guarantees not only his immortality, but the immortality of the new order being established. The Sumerians were the beginning literate culture of Mesopotamia. They carried the gift of language and ideas. In a time when gods were replaced by mortals, Archaic Sumerian civilization was the age. From the oldest of the tablets from Gilgamesh, language relates back to the one of the Sumerians. Through Gilgamesh’s desperate seek to find immortality, he eventually comes back to the point at which he began; however, now he realizes that the beginning point was always the object of his quest.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Man and Nature in Norman Macleans book, Young Men and Fire Essay
Man and Nature in Norman Maclean's book, Young Men and Fire Norman Maclean's book, Young Men and Fire, recreates the tragedy of the Mann Gulch fire. His ambition to have this lamentable episode of history reach out and touch his readers triumphs in extolling the honor and respect deserved by the thirteen smoke jumpers who died. This book is a splendid tribute to the courageous efforts of such men, as well as a landmark, reminding mankind to heed the unpredictable behavior and raw power of nature. Deep in the midst of the Mann Gulch valley in Montana, above the densely wooded forest and below the towering precipices lies the fast-burning cheat grass, home to twelve of the thirteen dead smoke jumpers. The smoke jumpers were an elite group of the United States Forest Service's firefighters compiled in 1940, and their mission was to parachute from the open sky down unto the fires to extinguish them before they became too large. Triggered during a lightning storm the previous day, the Mann Gulch fire didn't pose a threat until the afternoon of August 5, 1949, when the thermostat reached its summertime peak and the various crosswinds from the three surrounding rivers began to whirl and swell up the fire. Before the big "blowup" occurred, the smoke jumper crew was dropped down unto the fire led by their foreman Wag Dodge to quench the fire's thirst. The recapitulation of events which Maclean embarks the reader on traces the perseverance, endurance, and fortitude of the crew as they raced for life against the ever-raging wall of fire roaring behind them. Maclean utilizes various fragments of factual interviews, personal observation, theoretical fire science, and his own distinct exploration to compose this "factual fabricati... ... its ashes, and as the biblical phrase goes, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust" Dodge literally was resurrected from a certain death. Maclean wanted to know so much, each detail, in order to reconstruct the tragedy. It is remarkable how his determination to "tell this story" sustained him over the fourteen years he devoted to this project. Maclean writes like a true master. His story creates its own rhythm, and the reader is captivated by his masterful storytelling. He retells the same strain of thoughts, with slight variations on his theme, much like the repetitiveness of a musical composer's refrain. Maclean's "Young Men and Fire" makes the reader vicariously experience the inexplicable pain and suffering of the crew and relatives. In this respect, Maclean has forever engraved this misfortune into my mind, and through this magnificent tale, the dead live on. Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Sor Juana Ines de La Cruz
Sor Juana Inà ©s de la Cruz was an exceptional seventeenth-century nun who set precedents for feminism long before the term or concept existed. Her â€Å"Respuesta†is a maverick work outlining the logical sense of women’s education more than 200 years before Woolf’s â€Å"A Room of One’s Own.†Her poetry, meanwhile, states in bold language the potency of the feminine in both love and religion. Juana Inà ©s Ramirez was born out of wedlock to Isabel Ramirez and Manuel de Asbaje in a small village in Mexico, New Spain. Manuel soon abandoned the family, so mother and child spent a great deal of time with Juana’s grandfather, Pedro Ramirez. It was in Pedro’s book-filled house that Juana learned to read. (Girls of her time were rarely, if ever, formally educated.) The door to learning then burst open  the young prodigy would embark upon a life shaped and shaken by intellectual inquiry. She quickly gained renown in society and became a lady-in-waiting in the court of the Spanish viceroy. Yet she soon left the court for the nunnery; practically speaking, this was the best way for an illegitimately born woman to secure the time and resources for scholarship. But Sor Juana did not shut herself away in an ascetic cell. She started out as a novice in the Carmelite order, but the order's predilection for little sleep and self-flagellation repelled her after a few months. Eventually she found a sect that was more her speed as a lady of letters and a former courtier: the order of San Jerà ³nimo gave her an entire suite of her own, complete with bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, library, and servant. Her library  which held Mexico’s largest book collection  developed into a meeting-place for the intellectual elite. Those who frequented the salon included future viceroy Marquis de La Laguna and the Countess de Pareda, known to her intimates as Maria Luisa.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Designing Compensation Systems and Employee Benefits Essay
A compensation system has an important role in a company. An ideal compensation system can motivate employees to enhance their job performance. An organization can use adequate compensation to retain talented employees. Retaining talented employees is important because they help organizations grow and earn high profits. A well-constructed compensation system is the key to an organization being successful and prosperous (â€Å"Importance of Compensation,†2007). To further elaborate on the importance of compensation, the differences amongst job analysis and job evaluation and how these practices aid in creating internally consistent job structures will be described, and details will be given on the challenges that occur when creating compensations that are both internally consistent and market competitive. Also, the fairness of merit increases based upon quartiles will be discussed, the fundamental concept of insurance and how this concept applies to health care will be discussed, and the changes in the business environment and society that may affect the importance of legally required benefits will be described. Describe the Differences Between Job Analysis and Job Evaluation and How These Practices Help Establish Internally Consistent Job Structures Job analysis and job evaluation are the key to creating internally consistent job structures. An internally consistent compensation system will define the relative worth of each job amongst all jobs in a company. Companies use a basic principle when creating internally consistent compensation systems, which is jobs that require higher abilities, more responsibilities, and more intricate job tasks should be compensated more than jobs that require lower abilities, lesser responsibilities, and fewer intricate job tasks. Internally consistent job structures recognize distinctions in job traits that allow compensation managers to set pay based upon the distinctions. Furthermore, compensation professionals create internally consistent job structures by using job analysis and job evaluation. A job analysis will reveal the duties as well as compensation factors such as skill and effort that are required to sufficiently perform the job. The results of the job analysis will be used to conduct the job evaluation. Job evaluation will create pay differentials for jobs within a company. The results of the job analysis help compensation professionals set pay rates by quantifying the main similarities and differences between jobs (Martocchio, 2011). In the end, the job evaluation will categorize jobs according to their relative worth in the company. The relative worth of a job will be determined based upon compensation factors such as skill, job duties, and working conditions. Finally, job evaluation will guarantee internal equity because the value of jobs will be determined based upon compensation factors (Williams, 2012). Describe the Challenges in Developing Compensations That are Both Internally Consistent and Market Competitive One challenge in creating compensation systems that are internally consistent and market competitive deals with flexibility. Internally consistent pay systems have the potential to decrease a company’s flexibility to react to changes in the pay practices of competitors because job analysis creates structured job descriptions and job structures. Also, job evaluation creates the relative value of jobs within an organization. Reacting to competitors may require employees to perform tasks that are not included in their job descriptions whenever competitive pressures arise. This process makes equity appraisals more difficult because the definitions of jobs become more changeable (Martocchio, 2011). Moreover, some employees may resent being required to perform tasks that are not in their job descriptions. These employees may believe that the employers are taking advantage of them because they are not being compensated for performing the extra job duties. As a result, employees could become unmotivated to help their employers compete against competitors. Another challenge in developing compensations that are both internally consistent and market competitive is the bureaucracy that results from the internally consistent compensation structures. Organizations that develop job hierarchies have a tendency to create narrowly defined jobs, which results in larger number of jobs and staffing levels. This type of structure can place heavy compensation burdens on companies. Heavy compensation burdens can reduce profits for companies, which can affect whether companies use a market lead, market match, or market lag policy for compensating employees. Organizations that use the market lead policy compensate its employees more highly than most of its competitors. Employees receive pay that is above the market pay line. Organizations that use the market match policy compensate employees based upon the market pay rates. Employees will receive pay on the market pay line. The market lead and market match policies can help companies attract and retain talented employees; thus, the companies using these policies can obtain competitive advantage in a highly competitive business environment by using its talented employees. Furthermore, organizations using the market lag policy compensate its employees less than the majority of its competitors. Employees receive pay below the market pay line (Martocchio, 2011). Furthermore, a company should not be forced to choose the market lag policy because of heavy compensation burdens that could result from bureaucracy. Some companies may use the market lag policy as a cost savings method to offset heavy compensation burdens. A market lag policy could prevent a company from attracting and retaining talented employees, which could affect the competitiveness of a company. Moreover, a company could lose customers and profits if it does not have the talented employees in place to produce goods and services than can compete with the goods and services of competitors. Two Employees Perform the Same Job and Each Received Exemplary Performance Ratings. Discuss Whether it is Fair to Give One Employee a Smaller Percentage Merit Increase Because His Pay Falls Within the 3rd Quartile But Give a Larger Percentage Merit Increase to the Other Because His Pay Falls Within the 1st Quartile and Explain Why Supervisors use the merit pay grid to designate merit increases to employees. A merit pay grid contains a pay range for a pay grade. The pay range is divided into four quartiles. Employees with the lowest salaries fall into quartile 1. The salaries increase as the quartiles increase. Employees with the highest salaries fall into quartile 4. Furthermore, the lower an employee’s salary falls within its designated pay grade the larger the percentage pay raise. For example, if two employees perform the same job and both employees receive excellent performance ratings, the employee whose pay falls in quartile 3 will receive a smaller percentage merit increase than the employee whose pay falls in quartile 1. The employee whose pay is in quartile 3 may receive a 7% merit increase for excellent job performance; whereas, the employee whose pay is in quartile 1 may receive a 12% merit increase for excellent job performance. Furthermore, using the merit pay grid may be logical but not fair. It is logical because compensation professionals decrease merit pay increase percentages as quartile ranks increase to control employees’ advancement through their pay ranges. If employees in quartile 1 and quartile 3 were to receive the same merit pay increase percentage, the salary for the employee in quartile 3 more than likely would exceed the maximum pay rate for the range quicker than would the salary for the employee in quartile 1 (Martocchio, 2011). Moreover, the merit pay grid may be viewed as unfair because employees performing the same job and displaying the same amount of effort and job performance are not receiving an equal percentage merit increase. Employees may view this procedure as an unfair work practice. Furthermore, the employees may believe that the company places more value on some employees’ job performance more so than on other employees’ job performance. Discuss the Basic Concept of Insurance and How This Concept Applies to Health Care The basic concept of insurance is to spread risks. Risk does not mean that an unfavorable incident will occur but that there is a possibility of an unfavorable incident occurring. All persons have the risk of suffering a major illness. Thus, the whole concept of insurance when relating to health care is that an individual will be able to spread his or her risk among other people so that if an unfavorable incident occurs, he or she will not be overwhelmed because of high health care costs (â€Å"Understand the Concept,†2012). In the United States, health care is classified as a multiple payer system, which means that multiple parties are held accountable for paying the costs of health care. The multiple parties can include the government, employers, labor unions, employees, and unemployed individuals (Martocchio, 2011). Moreover, insurance allows an individual to pay a few hundred dollars a month in level premium rather than having to pay a $50,000 surgery bill once (â€Å"Understand the Concept,†2012). Finally, health-related expenses can become costly; thus, it would be wise for individuals to have some form of insurance for health care. Health insurance covers the costs of various services that promote sound mental and physical health such as physical exams, surgical procedures, and psychotherapy. Normally employers enter into contractual relationships with insurance companies to provide employees and possibly their dependents with health care. Moreover, the insurance policy or contractual relationship will specify the amount of money insurance companies will pay for health-related services such as physical exams. Furthermore, employers pay insurance companies a negotiated amount or premium to create and sustain insurance policies (Martocchio, 2011). Health insurance premiums are costly. The average monthly health insurance premium for an employee is $309. 03. The average monthly health insurance premium for an employee and his or her family members is $708. 83. Numerous private sector companies make it mandatory that employees pay a portion of health insurance premiums because of the high costs. Employees only contributed a small percentage toward health insurance premiums in 2008. Moreover, employees with single coverage contributed around 19% and employees with family coverage contributed around 29% (Martocchio, 2011). Except For the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Remaining Legally Required Benefits Were Conceived Decades Ago. Describe the Changes in the Business Environment and Society That Might Affect the Relevance or Perhaps the Viability of Any of These Benefits There are several legally required benefits in the United States. Legally required benefits are the benefits provided by the Social Security Act, which are retirement; unemployment insurance; old-age, survivor, and disability insurance; and Medicare. Other legally required benefits are workers’ compensation insurance and family medical leave. The United States government created legally required benefits to protect individuals from calamitous incidents such as unemployment and disability. Legally required benefits try to maintain the flow of family income, promote worker safety and health, and assist families in critical situations. Furthermore, providing employees with legally required benefits can be costly to companies. Present day, companies in the United States spend an average $4,400 for each employee yearly to provide legally required benefits (Martocchio, 2011). Finally, the effect that legally required benefits have on costs and the competitiveness of businesses could affect the sustainability of legally required benefits For numerous years, there have been genuine concerns that there will be lack of funding to provide the legally required benefits, especially the social security benefits. There are continuous political debates about how to safeguard the viability of social security programs. President George W. Bush signed an executive order that established the new Presidential Commission to Strengthen Social Security. Politicians have debated the advantages and disadvantages of differing solutions to strengthen the Social Security system. The administration of George W. Bush focused on encouraging tax credits for persons who save for retirement and promoting additional savings through employer-sponsored retirement plans. Furthermore, the Democratic Party suggested enhancing the tax under the Federal Income Contributions Act to strengthen the trust fund. However, business leaders have opposed the suggestion of the Democratic Party. Business leaders, especially small business leaders are concerned that the increase in tax will lower company profits (Martocchio, 2011). Legally required benefits may hinder businesses in the short term because these benefits require sizeable employer expenditures. Employers are required to make contributions that are mandated by the Social Security Act and several state workers’ compensation laws. These mandated expenses prevent businesses from investing these funds in direct compensation programs designed to increase productivity and product or service quality (Martocchio, 2011). If the money for mandated expenses could be used for compensation programs then the company could increase its competitiveness. Furthermore, enhancing productivity, products, and services can help businesses become strong competitors against its competitors. Conclusion In conclusion, a job analysis will reveal compensation factors that will be used in the job evaluation to determine the worth of jobs. Compensations that are both internally consistent and market competitive can affect a company’s flexibility to respond to changes in the pay practices of competitors, and companies have to deal with the heavy compensation burdens as a result of bureaucracy. Usage of the merit pay grid is logical but unfair. Insurance allows employees to share the costs of health care with multiple parties. The effect that legally required benefits have on costs and the competitiveness of companies could cause companies to view the mandated benefits as burdensome. Finally, compensation will always have a vital role in the strategies of companies.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Ag Aviation
It’s 4:30 in the morning when the alarm goes off. You crawl out of bed and look outside through the dark to see a starry sky and a slight rustle in the leaves. It’s time to move, the aphids and leafhoppers have been busy working all night causing destruction to the crop and the weeds are still choking the yield out of a good crop, both of which threaten the farmers future. You have a busy day lined up†¦over 9,000 acres to spray and more coming in every day. You hope that the wind doesn’t pick up too much so that you can get in a full day of work. You can hardly believe that you have logged nearly 100 hrs in just the past week alone trying to stay caught up filling customer orders. Your muscles burn from the strain of piloting the heavy, overloaded aircraft through so many low-level high-G turns. You preflight your aircraft and go over the work orders that you prepared the night before looking for critical information such as environmentally sensitive areas and field borders. You notice a light north wind blowing which means that half of your spray runs in the field will be into the rising sun. Very beautiful, but also very deadly as the bright sun likes to hide field obstacles. The cool morning air is smooth and you drag your heavy airplane up to 300 feet to fly out to the field. You fly over the field and look very carefully, sometimes poles are hidden in the trees on either side of the field leaving just the wire in between. This scenario has killed quite a few pilots. You check for other obstacles and plan how to maneuver to avoid houses as your 600 H.P. P&W engine is very loud. You make a wide sweeping turn to line up on the field while you set up and calibrate your GPS swath guidance equipment and check the flight instruments one more time. You enter the field at a wheel height of 3 to 5 feet and 110 MPH for optimal results and make constant altitude adjustments to maintain swath height. You take in... Free Essays on Ag Aviation Free Essays on Ag Aviation It’s 4:30 in the morning when the alarm goes off. You crawl out of bed and look outside through the dark to see a starry sky and a slight rustle in the leaves. It’s time to move, the aphids and leafhoppers have been busy working all night causing destruction to the crop and the weeds are still choking the yield out of a good crop, both of which threaten the farmers future. You have a busy day lined up†¦over 9,000 acres to spray and more coming in every day. You hope that the wind doesn’t pick up too much so that you can get in a full day of work. You can hardly believe that you have logged nearly 100 hrs in just the past week alone trying to stay caught up filling customer orders. Your muscles burn from the strain of piloting the heavy, overloaded aircraft through so many low-level high-G turns. You preflight your aircraft and go over the work orders that you prepared the night before looking for critical information such as environmentally sensitive areas and field borders. You notice a light north wind blowing which means that half of your spray runs in the field will be into the rising sun. Very beautiful, but also very deadly as the bright sun likes to hide field obstacles. The cool morning air is smooth and you drag your heavy airplane up to 300 feet to fly out to the field. You fly over the field and look very carefully, sometimes poles are hidden in the trees on either side of the field leaving just the wire in between. This scenario has killed quite a few pilots. You check for other obstacles and plan how to maneuver to avoid houses as your 600 H.P. P&W engine is very loud. You make a wide sweeping turn to line up on the field while you set up and calibrate your GPS swath guidance equipment and check the flight instruments one more time. You enter the field at a wheel height of 3 to 5 feet and 110 MPH for optimal results and make constant altitude adjustments to maintain swath height. You take in...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Definition of Inflection
The Definition of Inflection Definition of Inflection The change in the form of a word to indicate a change in its grammatical usage. In both English and Spanish, a noun can be inflected to indicate a change in number (that is, to indicate whether it is singular or plural) or gender (although changes in gender are unusual in English). In both languages, conjugation is the inflection of verbs to indicate tense, mood, and person. In Spanish, adjectives are inflected to indicate gender and number. The inflection can take the form of a prefix, a suffix, a change in the word ending or beginning, or a change in the way the word root is formed. (In both English and Spanish, prefixes arent used for inflection, although they can change the meanings of words.) In both languages, the suffix and changed word ending are the most common inflections. For example, both languages typically add an -s or -es to indicate that a word is plural, and Spanish frequently changes word endings to indicate gender. Similarly, both languages can add a suffix or change the word ending to indicate verb tenses (although English does so only for the past tense). In both languages, changes in the root word are also used in some irregular verbs. For example, the difference in tense can be seen in changing I go to I went, the same as the corresponding Spanish term, voy, changes to fui to indicate the change in tense. Greek and Russian are examples of highly inflected languages. Spanish is moderately inflected, more so than English, but not as much as Greek or Russian. Chinese is an example of a language that has little inflection. In general, word order tends to be more important in languages that have more inflection. You can see how this plays out in English and Spanish: Spanish, the more inflected language, also requires more attention to word order. There is also a second meaning for inflection. It can refer to how words are stressed or given tone. For example, a question is often inflected in raising the tone at the end of a sentence. Inflection is known as either inflexià ³n (change of voice) or flexià ³n (grammatical change) in Spanish. Examples of Inflection Inflected differences are shown in boldface: Tengo un coche rojo. Tengo dos coches rojos. (I have a red car. I have two red cars.) Pablo es actor. Ana es actriz. (Pablo is an actor. Ana is an actress.) Samuel es abogado. Katarina es abogada. (Samuel is a lawyer. Katarina is a lawyer.) Abre la ventana. Le gusta ventanear. (She is opening the window. She likes being by the window.) Soy rico. Si fuera rico, comprarà a otro coche. (I am rich. If I were rich, I would buy another car.) Como carne. Comà la carne. (I eat meat. I ate the meat.) La mujer est feliz. Las mujeres estn felices. (The woman is happy. The women are happy.) Corre cada dà a. Le gusta correr. (He ru ns daily. He likes running.)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Teach Me a Piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Teach Me a Piece - Essay Example In the later years, artists who were inspired to compose music with influences from Patton referred to him as their founding father. This paper will give a discussion on how the piece â€Å"High water everywhere†was constructed in terms of lyrics, the importance of the piece to me and audience at large and the social situation of the pieces composition. The discussion will also include the appropriate readings of the piece, and conclude with the important issues from the reading. The piece â€Å"High water everywhere†, has been constructed in two parts, the first part of the piece has seven verses, while the second part has six verses. The lyric is a lamentation of the flood calamity that had affected the whole of Mississippi. The lyrics continue on to address the aftermath of the flood, and what people ought to do to save one another from more harm. Patton, talks of how he wants to move to various places around the state, but those places too, had been affected by the flood that hit Mississippi. The melody in the song is smooth, since the piece itself had a theme of consoling the individuals faced by the calamity. The lyrics make the listeners of the piece emotional as it features a real story about peoples suffering. Patton sang solo while playing a guitar (Springer 60). The piece is important to me due to a number of reasons. I respect Patton from the start because he pioneered the development of a new genre of music better known as delta blues. Pattons creativity aided in the development of a novel genre of music, which had never been witnessed before. The piece is also important since it has embedded history in a form of melody. The piece managed to ease the pain experienced by victims of the Mississippi floods. The piece is one of the songs in the 1920s that took to heart a social situation. Most artists, during the 1920s, composed songs whose themes addressed issues of love and the general art of seduction. I am intrigued with Patton because
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